Had anyone had a problem free band 2?


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Jul 30, 2013
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It seems like there's massive issues with the band 2.... Some people are having to get theirs replaced up to 10 times, that's insane.

I'm considering getting one when they go on sale here in Australia, but I'm very concerned with the amount of trouble people seem to have with them.

Is anyone here still on their first band 2?

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Nov 13, 2015
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I got my Fiance her Band 2 in May and she's run it through the wringer, she's hard on her electronics and it hasn't had a problem with it. Make sure to get Microsoft Complete if it's available in your area, even though I bought mine on amazon this last week I was still able to go to the MS store and purchase the MS complete warranty for it.


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Feb 10, 2011
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Count me in the problem-free category. Got it on release day and run 50-60 miles per week with it. No splits and the battery still lasts about as long as originally (though not as long as the Band 1). The texture on the band has been smoothed from use, but still looking fine for what it is.


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I had a problem but I'd be willing to bet that most have had no problems. Its always like that. The few that have problems post on message boards while the ones that don't have problems normally remain quiet. The few make it seem like most everyone are having issues.

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Mar 24, 2014
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I think the Band and Band 2 get an unfair rep because Windows users seem to be extremely vocal when there is an issue and super quiet when everything is fine.

I had Bluetooth issues with my Band and haven't had any issues whatsoever with my Band 2 so far(a week).

Also, I'm quite certain that the battery life problems are because of the Microsoft Health apps recent updates.

Davide Carozza

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Though I appreciate the generally positive tone of this thread, Band 2s have significant known issues and there is no denying it. The idea that it is just a small but vocal minority complaining simply isn't true. I've returned 3 broken Band 2s to a Microsoft store and each time the employee who helped me talked about how many people they had stopping in for replacements. One also mentioned that his own Band 2 had to be replaced because of the issue with the battery connection going bad and the Band 2 dying with full charge. The issues with the strap cracking and the battery connection breaking are widespread. Congrats to those of you who have gotten lucky, but someone thinking of buying a Band 2 should know that these issues are a real problem, as confirmed by Microsoft employees.


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May 17, 2013
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There are documented widespread quality problems with the band 2. This isn't just the few bad ones showing up on here to complain. I've never seen/used a product with such quality issues

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Dec 6, 2010
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Have had mine since May. Wear it at least 5 times a week and run about 10-12K a week. Dropped it once by accident. No physical problems yet with the strap or the unit. I don't understand how texts to the Band work but I'm thinking that's because I'm still on WP8.1. Only wish BT syncing to the app was faster. Otherwise it's been really interesting measuring my performance with it.

I continue to get about 2 days worth of battery out of it assuming one of those days has a 30 minute full power GPS run.


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Mine's working perfectly fine.

I can see why and how people might need replacements, as the strap could easily be broken/ripped by clumsy people, but the amount of posts and the amount of devices each person has had makes me think that people just don't care. If you look at the design, where the strap bends around the arm they can easily rip if someone doesn't buy the correct size or even sits on the thing. It's not indestructible.

I've owned a Band 1 and Band 2 with no issues. Maybe I'm lucky or, maybe, I realise the limitations of the thing.

Davide Carozza

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Jul 23, 2014
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Mine's working perfectly fine.

I can see why and how people might need replacements, as the strap could easily be broken/ripped by clumsy people, but the amount of posts and the amount of devices each person has had makes me think that people just don't care. If you look at the design, where the strap bends around the arm they can easily rip if someone doesn't buy the correct size or even sits on the thing. It's not indestructible.

I've owned a Band 1 and Band 2 with no issues. Maybe I'm lucky or, maybe, I realise the limitations of the thing.
This is precisely the kind of post that is frustrating to me as a former Band 2 owner. I'm not clumsy--I never dropped, scratched or otherwise abused my Band. They simply broke. One broke while I was sleeping. If one of the "limitations" of a piece of tech designed to be used while exercising is that it is easily broken if you bump it around in your sleep then it is poorly designed, period. This isn't user error, this is a materials design flaw, and the employees at the Microsoft store confirm as much. It consistently cracks in the same place because the rubber doesn't curve smoothly around the sensors--you can feel and see the spot where the sensors dig into the rubber, which clearly isn't flexible and/or sturdy enough to stand up to the pressure.

jeremy taylor3

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Jun 14, 2016
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I have been a band 2 user since June 2016. Being an avid Windows user(PC, Lap Top, Tablet, Phone) it was the obvious choice. I wear it all the time(that's the point) and I am very careful and made sure I had the right fit. I am reasonably active (walk, cycle-a lot! run, golf etc) but always ensure I clean it properly after every exercise period. However I am on my second band in 3 months. This is down to the band splitting which is a very well documented and known issue with the band to the extent that MS has changed the material and thickness of the band to try to resolve the problem Regrettably it seems that it hasn't. I think that if the band is not worn constantly and only when exercising then the issue may well not manifest itself. However for those of us who do (and that's probably the majority) there is an issue. And that is a great shame because the device itself is very good especially if you use it with a windows phone which I do. It will access Cortana through the band you can respond to Txt messages and control your music along with all of the other myriad of monitoring functions. My only criticism other than the shockingly poor quality of the strap(which on a $175 plus device is not good) is that if the band goes out of bluetooth range of your phone(Lumia 950) the ability to reply to txt messages and use Cortana from the band 2 stops. This is I feel however is not an issue with the band but with the bluetooth on the 950 which I understand is a reported bug. Doesn't fundamentally change my life its just a pain having to remove the band from my phone and factory reset the band to get txt and cortana to work again. I have to say I don't bother anymore as I can still read txts on my band.


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Dec 14, 2010
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My original one was almost problem free. Got it replaced because I thought the heart rate sensor was faulty. Not so sure that was the case. My new one does not lose heart-rate tracking when exercising nearly as much though...maybe twice that I can recall...my first one it was starting to happen every third-fourth workout but only for short periods. Replacement has been great and still looks like new. Clean it after every workout with Zeiss lens cleaner.


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Jan 12, 2015
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I never had any of the most-reported Band 2 problems -- gouges, tears, broken clasps and the like -- but after nearly a year I had to replace it because the GPS went flaky on my runs and hikes. Sometimes it wouldn't lock at all, and other times it would lock but drop out. So I took it back to Microsoft for a warranty replacement that, as I expected, worked perfectly out of the box. Even if I won't ever be able to replace this one, I hope to get at least a year out of it based on prior experience. After that, I don't know. Garmin? Fitbit? We'll see. If Microsoft decides to offer the Band 3 set of features in a different form, I am pretty sure I will be a buyer.


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Jun 16, 2014
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No problems here.
I had the first MS Band from the day it released to the day the Band 2 came out. That one did have some separation with the rubber on the band but that's it. Before that I had a Fitbit Force and I had to glue the rubber onto the metal as it came apart after about a year.

All of them i've worn practically every day and i work in light manufacturing.


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Apr 22, 2016
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Originally posted by straightaways
It seems like there's massive issues with the band 2.... Some people are having to get theirs replaced up to 10 times, that's insane.

I'm considering getting one when they go on sale here in Australia, but I'm very concerned with the amount of trouble people seem to have with them.

Is anyone here still on their first band 2?

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

I never had, knock on wood :) Two months on it day and night non-stop. Working like a charm.

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