

New member
Apr 9, 2012
I have been using a Windows phone since WP8 coming from an N9, I have a car that has Bluetooth from 2006. And this is my storY, LOL.

My N9 was pretty sweet, worked with the bluetooth, then i got a Lumia 720, it worked with my bluetooth. Then i got a Lumia 928 and it worked with my bluetooth.Then i got a Lumia 929 and it worked with my bluetooth. This is about when things changed when i quickly got rid of 929 for a 1520.

Then I got a 1520 and it didnt work with the bluetooth. Then i got a 640 Xl and it didnt work with the bluetooth. The problem was that i would have to re pair everytime i would start my car, how annoying and useless is that? My story is well documented around the here and at microsoft but here is some official stuff http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/...0-640-xl/d9104e21-9c55-4807-9e02-f984ddbf349b
Then i got a 950 and it didn't work with my bluetooth.
Until anniversary release, the 950 is again working, meaning pairing once and repairing every time i restart the car.
WOW, what a relief, because nothing works like a finely tuned system that came with the car. I have tried other, its embarrassing when people tell you to mute because i cause an echo.

THANK YOU MICROSOFT FOR FIXING THIS AFTER TWO F'IN YEARS. I am not updating ever again, maybe it will break. THIS IS IMPORTANT TO ME.
I have a Lumia 640 and used it with a rental Chevy Impala on my work related trip two weeks back. No issues with pairing at all. I guess BT pairing works sometimes and other times it is a hot mess. Hopefully the streak will continue for you going forward.
luckily, I haven't had that issue.... but was I do have is VERY low bluetooth volume. Using various phones since 2009 (the year my BT module is from) only Lumias have had this low volume "issue", other brand Windows phone/mobile devices have been fine.

I did have an issue with the contacts not syncing, but that would be Alpines fault. I grabbed the UK firmware for my BT module and that fixed it (but not the volume issue)

What does suck is that a BT problem is normally 50-50. Since bluetooth "feels" like sloppy tech, not everyone supports it the same way. Problems could always be either the car or the phone, but everyone assumes it's the phone always. Bluetooth profiles and versions don't always play nice with each other. For my contacts issue, it was the module in the car that was the issue. With the volume, windows windows mobile 5-6, I would tweak bluetooth settings to fix that. With my LG WP7 and HTC Titan, they worked fine out of the box. From my 920, 830 and 950, volume is SUPER low. Who's fault is it? No clue. Alpine hasn't had an update available since late 2009/early 2010 and we can't easily play with BT settings on Windows 10 BUT.... using BT speakers, audio levels are fine....
I am sure that Chevy Impala wasnt a 2006.
I have a Lumia 640 and used it with a rental Chevy Impala on my work related trip two weeks back. No issues with pairing at all. I guess BT pairing works sometimes and other times it is a hot mess. Hopefully the streak will continue for you going forward.
Low volume is generally a problem of calibration, which i suffered from with many 3rd party bluetooth modules that I hooked up to the car. Worse was the Nokia BH121 itself, great for music, horribly low for phone calls. But hey, atleast it had NFC.
luckily, I haven't had that issue.... but was I do have is VERY low bluetooth volume. Using various phones since 2009 (the year my BT module is from) only Lumias have had this low volume "issue", other brand Windows phone/mobile devices have been fine.

I did have an issue with the contacts not syncing, but that would be Alpines fault. I grabbed the UK firmware for my BT module and that fixed it (but not the volume issue)

What does suck is that a BT problem is normally 50-50. Since bluetooth "feels" like sloppy tech, not everyone supports it the same way. Problems could always be either the car or the phone, but everyone assumes it's the phone always. Bluetooth profiles and versions don't always play nice with each other. For my contacts issue, it was the module in the car that was the issue. With the volume, windows windows mobile 5-6, I would tweak bluetooth settings to fix that. With my LG WP7 and HTC Titan, they worked fine out of the box. From my 920, 830 and 950, volume is SUPER low. Who's fault is it? No clue. Alpine hasn't had an update available since late 2009/early 2010 and we can't easily play with BT settings on Windows 10 BUT.... using BT speakers, audio levels are fine....
I had hell pairing it to a 2016 VW Passat that I test drove a couple of months back. Not sure what the issue was. Anyway, wound up at another dealership, bought roughly the same model (- a few perks), but BT connect with no issues.
I have rented cars for years while owning a Windows phone. From the 920, 1020, 950XL and haven't had an issue pairing with contacts and music in Ford, Lincoln, Chevy, Toyota, and Hundai. So not contributing, other than to throw that out there...And to say, is it a MS issue or a car manufacturer if there actually are issues pairing. If VW couldn't care less about WIndows Phones, how is that the phones fault?
Also to throw this in the mix there are more than Bluetooth chip OEM and some cars maybe using custom chips... who knows. This is murky area for older cars whereas with newer models and newer phones I would imagine there should be less instances of bluetooth not working correctly.
First i want to thank everyone for responding.
i don't think it is the car manufacturer responsibility since the car is a difficult thing to make changes on.
Given that its an old car with Bluetooth, I think the issue here is interoperability. My car probably has bluetooth 2.0 and a lot of phone manufacturers are prabably not testing for it or really dont want to support it. To be fair, iPhone doesnt automatically pair either. it asks for the pairing and pin everytime. But i m glad its fixed.
The irony of all this is the BT module in the car is made by Nokia.
I can't imagine how annoying that must have been... wow..

Glad it's fixed now though :)
Ok so here is my setup Lumia 950, 2015 Acura TLX Bluetooth pairs no issue work works fine but phonebook will not transfer. Not on Anniversary update yet. Thoughts? Will the update correct this? Was hoping FW would but no go.
I've had nokia n8,lumia 1020,640 and currently using 950, never had issues pairing and from w10m , it has gotten better where I can see dialpad on my avh-200bt pioneer, before it was just contacs,recent calls,preset dial,along with using voice to call person's name(Cortana in w10m)
That's pretty crazy that it took that long to fix. I haven't seen anything that was BT have any problems, ever. I'm amazed you stuck with it.

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