how long has your phone been active on ST? It took about 18 hours to get my data working, but this was with the assistance of a ST rep on Facebook.
Can you help me get data working?
I just posted this in the Titan forum:
I have a Titan 2 and just got Straight Talk. The phone and texts are working but I can't get data. I read that you guys were able to get it. I have tried entering all the the information from Straight Talk in the APN settings, doing a battery pull but that didn't work. I also tried just entering att.mvno and leaving everything else blank and doing a battery pull, but nothing.
Any advice? In order to do a battery pull on the Titan 2 I just remove the sim card backing. I can't actually remove the battery, but this should do the same thing.
It sounds like what happened with my girlfriend's phone. She tried my sim in her phone and the data worked just fine, and data wouldn't work on my phone with her sim in it. We called and complained because the inept Cr rep kept insisting it was her lack of apn settings and it was indeed her sim. She told the rep it was an issue with the sim, he fixed it (needed phone turned off while he activated data plan so call from a diff phone) and she got credit for the day it wasn't working. Try this route, hope it works for you guys.
Data is up an running. I called and they did something to my account and now it works. I had to remove all of the APN settings excpet for the name, att.mvno. Of course the Rep started to tell me it will not get data since I can not update the MMS information. I told her it started working without the MMS information, and she said "I am glad you were able to get the MMS input." Not the best call I ever placed.
all i did was put apn as att.mvno and leave everything else blank then restart phone and all works for me