Has anyone flashed ATT 1020 with international ROM?

Tried, cant flash rogers black updated rom on my att black :(, ffu error.
Not to mention my wifi and BT are sick due to black update
Does anyone have an update on this?

Since the Cyan update i have lost internet sharing on T-Mobile. I have tried several different product codes but always get the FFU error.
There are posts again and again on this question .... it doesn't allow to install other ROMs over AT&T on 1020 so far - with any product code or any CV. At least for now.
I have support incidents open with T-Mobile and Nokia on this issue.
Everything on my phone works fine except the mobile hotspot option.
Can anyone try installing RM-877 US unlocked ROM if it works on the AT&T phone? I think product code was 059W473
I have tried it and receive FFU error ... Nokia said there is no fix and Tmobile has done a great job of avoiding it when i call by saying we will call you back but no one ever does..
Does internet sharing and MMS now works as it should and without any call ATT .... nonsense? Please advise. Thanks much.
No idea. Even with the unbranded phone, I was still an AT&T customer, and my plan includes both of those so I never saw any error message. An unbranded phone might give you some error message, but it most likely won't have anything to do with AT&T.
Thanks for reply. If you do get the chance to try it with a TMO sim or mvno sim, please kindly update. Lots of 1020 users had internet sharing issues and MMS issues, it would be interesting to know if by de branding it, these issues can be solved. Thanks.
I would like to know this as well. I need internet sharing, I have to use an AT&T version of the phone as the other unlocked ones are international with no LTE.
I was playing around with my unlocked att 1020 trying to get internet sharing to work. I uninstalled access point by setting the date beyond 2140 and started access point....it asked to update it or uninstall. Then I set the cellular and SIM to manual and entered the settings for my mvno. Once I had the sim settings correct, it worked.

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