This is incredibly disappointing! I wish I had found this thread earlier, as I'm now on my third 1020 in 1.5 weeks with this issue (I exchanged the first two because I thought this had to be a manufacturing defect). I'm not pleased with this at all, since this device is supposed to be a phone first and foremost. Are there any 1020 owners out there not experiencing this issue?
Edit 12/3/13: Something else I noticed tonight -- and I can't help but to think is related -- is that I can adjust the in-call volume to 0/10, yet still hear the other party plainly. I would estimate the volume level to be similar to 5/10 on my old Lumia 920. Possible that the static sound is just distortion from the phone's volume settings being borked? In fact, I hear almost no distortion till I get to volume level 4/10 on this device. Can anyone else confirm? If this is the problem, does anyone know of a hidden tool that allows the earpiece volume to be tweaked? Seems like I read about such a thing once, though pertaining to a different model...
Edit 12/3/13 #2: Okay, I picked up a fourth 1020 today on Nokia's suggestion and it is having the EXACT same issues. Build dates on all have varied between 7/31/13 and 8/7/13, if it makes any difference. Tested the phone using Nokia Care Suite, and found no issues...and heard no static on the audio output tests. I'm nearly convinced that the problem lies in the firmware; that is, there is a setting somewhere that is turning the earpiece volume way, way up and is distorting the audio quality as heard through the earpiece speaker. I contacted Nokia, who insists it is a hardware defect...but four in a row? I'm either the unluckiest phone buyer on Earth, or there's something else at play. Does anyone own a Lumia 1020 not experiencing these issues?