Has tap to pay on NFC always been in windows 10 mobile

I am not insinuating that at all. Just giving my perspective (as are you), but the whining has gotten stale. If the platform is dead to you, great, move onto greener pastures. Posting such on a Windows-centric site is stupid. Verizon are overpriced turds, so anyone using their services have bigger problems than a WP not working on their network. For the longest time, one of my (former) providers didn't work with iphones. Last I heard, they still didn't. That doesn't/didn't mean the iPhone is dead.
Thinking for themselves? How would any Verizon customer see it as anything but dead? There is literally no support for Windows 10 mobile with the biggest carrier in the US. Excuse me but I am thinking for myself from real world experience.

So... with that logic, the iPhone was "dead" in the US when it was only available on AT&T because it wasn't available on Verizon? your logic seems flawed
That isn't comparable at all. iPhone had the market back then. So, that doesn't make sense. Even Microsoft understands they are not in play in the mobile market. From an article on win central. "Windows Phones account for less than 2% of the global smartphone market, according toGartner-- a percentage CEO Satya Nadella called "unsustainable"*"
So... with that logic, the iPhone was "dead" in the US when it was only available on AT&T because it wasn't available on Verizon? your logic seems flawed
I'm not hear to argue just to throw in my two cents. We all have a right to our opinion. I don't like the personal attacks so I get my back up. I'm not some sheep that doesn't know what he's talking about. I have an opinion like everyone else does.
"Back then"? IPhone was the top phone "back then" (less than 2yrs ago) and I'm not talking about AT&T. Again, your market share stats are a popularity contest. That 2% May be happier with their phones than 98% of iPhone owners. So what? Does it impact your ability to enjoy your phone? If it does, then move onto something that suits your needs!! That doesn't mean the rest of us enjoying our phones need to read whining by people with the inability to be pleased. I fail to understand why people are impulsed to advertise "WP is dead. Moving to iPhone. Wah." Bugger off, if another platform is suited better for you.
I'm not hear to argue just to throw in my two cents. We all have a right to our opinion. I don't like the personal attacks so I get my back up. I'm not some sheep that doesn't know what he's talking about. I have an opinion like everyone else does.

You are correct, we all have a right to our own opinions. You just used flawed logic to validate your opinion.

My opinion... Windows Mobile is not yet dead. MS is currently working on refining the OS. MS is currently producing devices that run the OS. MS has partners who are also now producing devices for the OS. Apps, that were previously unavailable are now available for the OS. This is an opinion based in fact and not based in popularity. As long as all these things are available, Windows mobile will remain alive. Windows Mobile will be dead once these things cease to be.

I'm not trying to predict the future of the OS or the devices. I'm just using a logical argument to address the issue. MS could kill off Windows Mobile at any time. But for now, Windows Mobile is very much alive and hopefully it will continue to grow as MS develops Win 10
You are correct, we all have a right to our own opinions. You just used flawed logic to validate your opinion.

My opinion... Windows Mobile is not yet dead. MS is currently working on refining the OS. MS is currently producing devices that run the OS. MS has partners who are also now producing devices for the OS. Apps, that were previously unavailable are now available for the OS. This is an opinion based in fact and not based in popularity. As long as all these things are available, Windows mobile will remain alive. Windows Mobile will be dead once these things cease to be.

I'm not trying to predict the future of the OS or the devices. I'm just using a logical argument to address the issue. MS could kill off Windows Mobile at any time. But for now, Windows Mobile is very much alive and hopefully it will continue to grow as MS develops Win 10
I find my logic sound. No company can remain viable with less than two percent of market share. MS can't lose that much money and do okay. MS is not making new phones for this year, only rumors for next year. I don't see the apps your talking about. Amazon, Google, airlines, hotel apps all I use while traveling have little presence and the presence they do have are not even close to the way they operate on Droid and iOS. So, neither of us can predict the future. But the future looks very dim. My company is coming out with a Win 10 handheld. But, the OS is locked down and will be more difficult to create useful applications then on Android. Customers did not want Win 8 devices, and right now Android is taking over the enterprise. Maybe that's why I have a doom and gloom opinion which by the way is based on fact as well.
What is your hard on with marketshare? Why does it matter so much to you, as a consumer?

That's something that should concern Microsoft and app makers (I totally get why app makers don't want to waste their time with 2% market share; but again, not my problem as I am not presently developing apps.)

There isn't a single app missing from the Windows app store that I need for my daily life. For others, it may be different; but again, that's their problem.

The W10 OS can be easily cracked into and rooted, just like Android. Poor excuse.
What kind of apps do you develop, that you need the OS unlocked, anyway?
I find my logic sound. No company can remain viable with less than two percent of market share. MS can't lose that much money and do okay. MS is not making new phones for this year, only rumors for next year. I don't see the apps your talking about. Amazon, Google, airlines, hotel apps all I use while traveling have little presence and the presence they do have are not even close to the way they operate on Droid and iOS. So, neither of us can predict the future. But the future looks very dim. My company is coming out with a Win 10 handheld. But, the OS is locked down and will be more difficult to create useful applications then on Android. Customers did not want Win 8 devices, and right now Android is taking over the enterprise. Maybe that's why I have a doom and gloom opinion which by the way is based on fact as well.

Your logic would be sound if you were addressing if Win Mobile was "Dying". Your entire argument deals with the perceived health of the system. But you said "Dead". For something to be dead it has to cease to exist.

And for the record... lumia 950/950 xl released Nov 2015, lumia 650 released April 2016, new phone (surface phone) rumored release early 2017. In addition, several 3rd party devices have already been released or have been announced and are scheduled to be released sometime this year. So, saying MS is not making new phones this year and then using that statement to back an argument that Win Mobile is dead is misleading at best.
I suggest all you android and ios lovers to change forums, and stop whining about WP being dead all the time. Put your WP in a drawer and move on with your life
Okay, well, then why are you posting on a Windows forum?

I don't know what goes on in carrier stores. I bought my last phone over the internet. I only set foot in my provider's store to buy a SIM card when I switched providers recently.

But you're right, most people are sheep. They only buy what's popular / suggested to them by salespeople; many of which aren't making much more than minimum wage and only suggest what will score them the biggest commission (Clearly, Apple wins in this dept). Microsoft doesn't pay good enough commissions to warrant being suggested by these companies and probably why many companies stopped carrying MS phones. Sure, they aren't gonna move if people don't know about them.

Microsoft is a horribly ran company, no doubt about it. I like their OS, I use it on my PC and phone. If they ever stop supporting the mobile OS, I will be disappointed but would move on like everyone else.

Though if you are worried about what others are doing, then I suppose your perceptions would be "omg, Windows Phone is so dead."
W10 mobile is still receiving updates and improvements, so as far as I care it is not dead. What everyone else does with their phones, I couldn't give a toss. Mine is doing what it is intended to do. I do not buy a phone or use it for a fashion statement like most Iphone owners. Though if that is your goal, a Windows Phone should certainly be the last thing on your mind.

Honestly. I love my 950XL but I have told many people who were interested in it to go with Apple or Android. And that's because I ask them for what their needs are. And if they need these different apps that have very little chance of making it to Windows 10 anytime soon I would feel bad for recommending it. I get compliments on my phone all the time and people look at it with awe even though it's apparently designed horribly as the media and others have pointed out. It's all screen. It's compact for its size and completely customizable to your needs. But if someone uses an app to control their thermostat or something, it won't work. And I have friends who are huge android heads who honestly love my phone. And on top of that they didn't even know it exists.

So really employees at these places should be asking people for their needs. And don't just assume everyone needs every app. These people working there are usually young, and they are very concerned about apps. And they assume everyone is. So I get where they are coming from. But if they had properly probed the customer for their needs they wouldn't need to worry about returns.

Employees should also be trained on everything they sell. Most of them only know these phones from sites that are biased towards apple or android. And I have seen some horrible reviews where people go in with bias and make stupid claims that are untrue. Having a working phone on display where they can go with the customer into the store and search for apps or alternatives would also help.

But really it's a big investment for people. Things like bb-8 that have separate apps are all over the place. And while Bb-8 supports windows, many don't. It's peace of mind that if you buy something in the future that has an app, it will work.

This is why windows phone is dead. The new era that Satya hopes to bring is to change computing. People often have multiple computers including a phone. A phone is a computer it's just limited by input/screen size. But why do I need a separate device if I want to go to a bigger screen? Why do I have to pay so much to get a laptop with all this processing power when my phone already has it? Focus on making these smaller devices more powerful and add accessories like monitors and dumb laptop terminals. You can have a PC, laptop and phone for a much cheaper price. So I get where MS is going with that. And I think it will be successful with time. Think about how this changes the workspace. No more PC's taking up room and cables everywhere just so I can do the same things my phone should be capable of.

So the future is really about bringing the power of pc's into that small form factor and allowing it to adapt to your needs. The 950/950xl are sort of like the first Surface. They show the concept and that it can be done. The Surface phone will be the 2nd interation and if done well it has the power to change. Developers are also seeing something there hence why all the apps coming for windows 10 these days. It's not comparable to the competitors no doubt. But we see it happening. I mean I have seen more apps coming out for windows 10 than I ever did for windows 8.1. With windows 8.1 it would be like christmas if an app came out. And other companies will follow. The goal for MS is to get a head start. And yes, they can abandon windows phone, because it's not where they see the future. And focusing on other products such as hololens, and windows pc's makes sense because it ingrains the use of the start screen for users. It becomes familiar.

MS just needs the right hardware, a polished OS and they can't screw up the launch. They can't let the hype die down. Once they announce their spring 2017 lineup, if they don't release shortly after, the hype will die. People are more likely to purchase products when they are hyped. I study neuroscience and hype actually creates a neurochemical reaction that stops you from thinking about things logically and just go out and do things. Once that hype settles down your prefrontal cortex will take over and you will think from a more logical perspective, including financial, your needs and all that. Apple has mastered the ability to take advantage of hype. Make it sound like it's the best thing in the world and then sell it after doing it.
If it weren't for the fact that Microsoft announced mobile payments with secure sim back in 2012 then I would believe it was a feature they weren't considering.

NFC has been in Nokia flagship phones for years waiting for the payments and software world to catch up. Personally I see people using Apple Pay almost every day so I guess there is something going on.
So really employees at these places should be asking people for their needs. And don't just assume everyone needs every app. These people working there are usually young, and they are very concerned about apps. And they assume everyone is. So I get where they are coming from. But if they had properly probed the customer for their needs they wouldn't need to worry about returns.
Any staff I've dealt with at these places (including a friend who has worked at one, had many horror stories about being forced into pushing products) - they really don't care what you need. They're pushed my management to pull numbers, sell devices etc. What easier way to pad your numbers than to sell the most expensive device on the floor (and the store, sometimes the salesperson gets a sizable commission from Apple, to boot).
I've known what I was looking for and had my mind made up, yet these people still try to swing the crappiest, most expensive device with the longest contract to me.

poopyfinger said:
This is why windows phone is dead. The new era that Satya hopes to bring is to change computing. People often have multiple computers including a phone. A phone is a computer it's just limited by input/screen size. But why do I need a separate device if I want to go to a bigger screen? Why do I have to pay so much to get a laptop with all this processing power when my phone already has it? Focus on making these smaller devices more powerful and add accessories like monitors and dumb laptop terminals. You can have a PC, laptop and phone for a much cheaper price. So I get where MS is going with that. And I think it will be successful with time. Think about how this changes the workspace. No more PC's taking up room and cables everywhere just so I can do the same things my phone should be capable of.
This is a respectable argument versus just stating "Windows is dead."
Though IMO the Windows Phone we know of now may be mutating in the near future, so I wouldn't consider it "dead" in it's current form.. evolving would be a better word.
For the record, my laptop cost less than my Lumia 830 phone..

poopyfinger said:
People are more likely to purchase products when they are hyped. I study neuroscience and hype actually creates a neurochemical reaction that stops you from thinking about things logically and just go out and do things. Once that hype settles down your prefrontal cortex will take over and you will think from a more logical perspective, including financial, your needs and all that. Apple has mastered the ability to take advantage of hype. Make it sound like it's the best thing in the world and then sell it after doing it.
That's an interesting concept and it's evident Apple have mastered this. Their phones are trash, the OS is ugly and bloated. Any friends or family that have had an Iphone move to another platform after their contract is up and they've wasted an immeasurable amount of cash on a worthless and out of date phone.
I have no idea how to use that BUT, does anyone know of a way I could scan my NFC bank card (Maestro) with my phone, and then be able to pay with my phone? Could that work?

I hope not :-) because the other day I set my Nokia Lumia 920 on top of my wallet to recharge and it started making funny noices. It turned out the phone started to talk to my credit cards in my wallet. I wonder what it bought...
Okay, well, then why are you posting on a Windows forum?

Because this is *Windows* Central, not Windows Phone Central. The phone part of Windows and Microsoft, is a very tiny, insignificant (in terms of revenue or profits) part of the company.
Because this is *Windows* Central, not Windows Phone Central. The phone part of Windows and Microsoft, is a very tiny, insignificant (in terms of revenue or profits) part of the company.
The forum this thread in is Windows 10 Mobile
Any staff I've dealt with at these places (including a friend who has worked at one, had many horror stories about being forced into pushing products) - they really don't care what you need. They're pushed my management to pull numbers, sell devices etc. What easier way to pad your numbers than to sell the most expensive device on the floor (and the store, sometimes the salesperson gets a sizable commission from Apple, to boot).

Having been a former AT&T corporate retail employee and attending many sales & device training sessions, this is not how AT&T operates. The sales staff is trained on key differentiating features of each device and mobile operating system. They are also trained to ask questions of the customers to lead them toward the device that will best suit their usage and lifestyle.

Commission comes from new service activations and add-on service features like text packages, data plans, etc. The class of device (smartphone, feature phone, basic phone) determines what features are available to a customer's plan, but the brand of the device (Apple, Microsoft, HTC, Samsung) plays no part in a sales rep's earnings.

Despite the training, the reason some of our sales reps would push iPhones or Android devices more often is because that is the sales rep's personal preference and what they find more comfortable to demonstrate to a customer. When Windows Phone 7 launched and the AT&T wanted half of our staff to carry a WP7 device as their company-assigned phone, 6 out of 8 members of our sales team threw a fit about having to give up their iPhone or Android devices to even give Windows a chance.

In my experience, the types of phones sales reps will push is entirely dependent upon personal preference of the reps themselves because commission is not affected by the brands or operating system of the items sold.
Sure, ask some East Europe hacker, they are masters of picking nfc codes simply "touching" pockets and jackets of people in crowdy places.
Some days ago in a Italian online newspaper showed a Metro surveillance video of a man putting his phone on people in a fully plenty Metro train, and it was explained as a nfc code capture tryal made by a specialized gang :)

Where I live, almost all payment terminals (not gas pump terminals, they still want magnetic strip) accept NFC card. If I used flip/book case, I could put my card there and "pay with the phone" + be able to use the chip reader slot when needed - I don't know how android and iOs handle that. Unfortunately I'm not that kind of person, so wallet it will be, or maybe a pocket in back cover. If I had smaller, credit-card sized driving license, temptation would be stronger... I believe also some operators have NFC-tags to be attached to the phone, some sort of pay-before-use system and an app to monitor balance.
Having tap-to-pay on Windows mobile would still be nice, as I have more often my phone than my wallet with me. But then, having some cash covers 100% of all situations where payment is needed :)

I tested reading code from Skylanders figure (not for use, just to confirm it's NFC) with a phone, but I do not trust technology (and/or W10) enough to test my card :) Still remember "fixing" that washing machine (heater element and some sensor had identical connectors, one for 230VAC and another not)...

We have 25? limit per NFC payment and random checks, but collecting lots of codes in a crowd could be cost-effective for thieves. Looks like aluminum foil goes to shopping list. Maybe Mythbusters could test if eel skin protects card :D
Sure, ask some East Europe hacker, they are masters of picking nfc codes simply "touching" pockets and jackets of people in crowdy places.

Some days ago in a Italian online newspaper showed a Metro surveillance video of a man putting his phone on people in a fully plenty Metro train, and it was explained as a nfc code capture tryal made by a specialized gang :)

No that won't work at least when it went final. The way tap to pay worked before with windows phone once you tapped it asks you for a pin code so it would not matter if someone tapped your phone in your pocket if they don't have the pin they aren't getting anything. Apple goes a step further and sends a dummy card number if you don't authorize the transaction with your finger print NFC is way more secure than the old traditional way of paying. I paid everywhere I could with the softcard app and hardly anyone used the terminals just 1 year ago now everyone has them and it seems like I have to install my chipped credit card into the terminal everywhere I go now. It's time America woke up and realized this is a much safer way to pay and my point is proven by all the chipped debit cards now being handed out by banks.

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