Have had phone since launch, noticing some problems...


New member
Dec 18, 2011
I wanted to join the WP7 community last year when the first gen phones were launched, but due to contract obligations, I waited until the latest generation. I decided on the Focus S after observing the latest wave of Windows phones.

I bought the phone the day after launch and immediately began noticing a flashing problem when I would wake the phone up. Sometimes (most of the time) my background would show up fine when I pressed in the power button, but other times I'd get a quick white flash before it showed up. Yes it may sound like a small problem, but it annoys me. And for $200 + expensive monthly payments, I imagine it's something I should not have to deal with.

Another problem I've noticed is that I'm getting Marketplace update notifications on my homescreen, yet when I press on the tile, I see no updates available. I go back to the homescreen and the number that was previously on the tile is gone. I read something about this possibly being caused by trial apps - I did have some trial games downloaded, but I got rid of them, and continue to notice the problem.

Small things, but I'm curious if I'm the only one here experiencing them. My friend owns the original Focus, and experiences the same Marketplace problem. The flash problem seems, to me, like it's probably something wrong with my particular device, and not something that's happening to everyone. I'm considering taking it back to the store to get a new one, if it'd be possible. It sucks that the only AT&T store I've tried going to so far seems to have people that know nothing about Windows Phones.

Anyway, first post here, so hello all! :) Hope someone is able to help me out!
It is not just you I got a focus s yesterday to compare to my titan so I could decide which to commit to and I noticed it in that device as well.. Not all the time but sometimes. I have read about it somewhere else although I can not remember where. Although I am not totally sure I think it has something to do with the amoled screen as I noticed it right off on the focus but have never seen it happen on my titan which is a super LCD screen. If I had to guess I think it seemed more like something inherent to that device not a defect on just some devices but I could be wrong.

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As far as the market concern I have not experi enced that but it sounds more like a windows phone bug than a device issue to me

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My Live Tiles show up quickly before my lock screen when hitting the power button to wake the device. If that's what you meant, then yes, it happens to me as well.
I get the issue where it will show I have an update but don't really have one. It's a WP7 issue. I think the tile doesn't update correctly all the time after updates are installed. I have this issue on my Focus and Titan.

I'd just post it on Microsoft's support page and see what they say. I'm sure they know about it and are working on it.

I don't have a Focus S so I cannot comment on the flashing issue.
I am seeing the same issue with my marketplace tile. Its a little annoying but nothing that's going to be a deal breaker.

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Have not seen the phantom Marketplace update bug in many months. And with 200 apps installed I get a lot of updates. They are always there. Trials usually only last a day or two though. Either buy it or delete it.

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I've had a Focus S since day 1 and I have not had either of the problems.

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200 apps??!! Are there even that many in the marketplace?!

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