Have you ever donated to an app? how about rated one?

Personally since I've develop a an android apps i know what indie developer feels. But average u users wouldn't even bother rate the apps or review it. In most cases they used it to complain.

I don't like comparing people works but if you want to get spoilight try write an apps related to other services like 6tag or so. Lot people can't live without some services that sadly not officially available in our store but it create a big chance for indie developer. They may have some simillar apps like mytube and tubecast but they have their own uniqe quallity. Some people prefer one over other.

About donating. It would be nice if the apps is free trials with ads and purchasing it only remove the ads. Or make in apps purchase to remove ads is good too.

At the end apps store is only another market. Developer has their own competitive advatages. If you don't have one try analyzing your competitor and find their weakness. And fill it on your apps.

Im not good enough to use api calls yet (and fairly focused on my app) but appreciate the advice, would be good to give something that people need.

I cant view the other apps like mine as competition, just not built that way, i wish them all the luck in the world :) having said that, my app is fairly unique (i will be creating a post for my apps soon to link them and a signature linking to that post, just not been ready to just yet)
Unfortunately, people don't seem to like to review apps... It's not a WP thing, because I had an app in the iOS store for longer than its WP counterpart and the WP version had more ratings.

It's funny you mention that. I read somewhere that in spite of being the least used, Cortana has more positive ratings than Google Now and double that of Siri. I wish I remembered where I saw that so I could post the link that will inevitably be requested.
i must confess i do like playing around with Cortana.
i really should rate her, funny it didnt really occur to me to rate the already installed apps...i mean they are made by developers too, even big microsoft developers have feelings.
i must confess i do like playing around with Cortana.
i really should rate her, funny it didnt really occur to me to rate the already installed apps...i mean they are made by developers too, even big microsoft developers have feelings.

The best developer is the one that hear the users oppinion. If you response user oppinion I'm sure you will get feedback too
It's funny you mention that. I read somewhere that in spite of being the least used, Cortana has more positive ratings than Google Now and double that of Siri. I wish I remembered where I saw that so I could post the link that will inevitably be requested.

I think the average WP user is more passionate about their phone than the average iOS/Android user.
I think the average WP user is more passionate about their phone than the average iOS/Android user.
I'm not sure they're more passionate, but I think they're more appreciative. iOS & Android users take apps for granted. WP users realize that each app is a blessing.

Sent from whatever device I happen to be using today using Tapatalk
I think it's difficult to make someone review your app, but i read an awesome article titled "The right way to ask users to review your app" , this article is really useful and shows important points one should put them in consideration.

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