Having a small issue with Microsoft launcher


New member
Sep 15, 2014
I recently switched to the LG G7 and have put Microsoft launcher on it. I'm having a small issue where there's a sizable gap between the dock and the first row of apps that i can't use. The space is definitely big enough to fit another row of apps and on my last Android I had apps right up against the dock. I've tried messing with the row and column settings but can't fix it am I missing something obvious or is this just an issue with LG?
I recently switched to the LG G7 and have put Microsoft launcher on it. I'm having a small issue where there's a sizable gap between the dock and the first row of apps that i can't use. The space is definitely big enough to fit another row of apps and on my last Android I had apps right up against the dock. I've tried messing with the row and column settings but can't fix it am I missing something obvious or is this just an issue with LG?

It may be due to the manufacturer. On my Xiaomi phone there's a gap between the dock and first level of icons, same as you described.
I have the exact same problem. It is a major problem for me. I've used Microsoft launcher for many years now but I will probably look for a new launcher soon. This problem Is intermittent for me. It occurred infrequently until a recent update. Now it occurs most of the time. But not all of the time. Microsoft launcher is usually good at fixing things that it breaks with updates. So I still have hope. But that hope wanes each day it is not fixed. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy s10
I found one workaround. When I restart my phone the problem recurs. If I watch something in Netflix fullscreen for a minute the problem goes away. Pretty stupid. But at least I can control it more now.
Did you both try the beta versions of MS Launcher? Try those to see if they fix your issues. You can sign up as a beta tester for the app on MS Launcher's app page on the Play Store.

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