headphone issues since 8.1 update.


New member
Feb 15, 2014
So, I'm loving everything about the 8.1 update, except I keep have issues with my headphones. The audio keeps getting cut from the right headphone that I'm using and the only thing that fixes it is to power off the phone completely and turn it back in. It's extremely annoying. I'm using a Lumia 920 and I've never had this problem before 8.1. Should I do a factory restore maybe? Would that erase 8.1?
I'm having an issue with my camera not working on the Lumia 1520 after the update. Still don't have an answer as to what the problem is. After upgrading to 8.1 there is no way to go back to any version before it, that I do know. I'm testing my headphones now, I'll update if I come across the same issue.
I have the same headphone issue on a Lumia 920.

As far as I can gather it occurs when the headphones are plugged in and no sound is played. When you get a notification (either with notification sounds muted or not) you hear a strange crackling sound. From that point on only the left side of the headphones produce sound. Restarting the phone is the only thing that will solve the issue.

Anyone got a better work-around for this? Or maybe even a way to fix it permanently?
Thanks @fallback, got it to work right after the hard reset.

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So I did a hard reset restore, so maybe this will solve it. BTW: since 8.1 was still installed when I set up the phone again, can I just install the dev preview app?
My phone has had that issue since before 8.1. I thought it was a hardware defect at first until I noticed a power on/off fixed it. It's kinda a relief to know I'm not the only one. Ativ S Neo
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I have the same issue and I have the Ativ S for AT&T. My headphone jack was fine before 8.1 update. A power off then on fixes the problem.
I have the same issue as well on my Black Lumia 920 (it's missing the AT&T branding and only has the globe logo).

BTW, of the subject, but does anyone know what it means that mine is missing "AT&T" and only has the globe? Is it better build quality or something?
So, I'm loving everything about the 8.1 update, except I keep have issues with my headphones. The audio keeps getting cut from the right headphone that I'm using and the only thing that fixes it is to power off the phone completely and turn it back in. It's extremely annoying. I'm using a Lumia 920 and I've never had this problem before 8.1. Should I do a factory restore maybe? Would that erase 8.1?

Reset's don't erase OS updates. Carry on.
I had the same issue lumia 920 and my girlfriend phone too! (lumia 925) after the 8.1 update. Before the update never had such a problem.
I'm also experiencing this issue on my Lumia 925 since the upgrade to 8.1. The only fix I've found so far is the aforementioned reboot.
I'm also experiencing this issue on my Lumia 925 since the upgrade to 8.1. The only fix I've found so far is the aforementioned reboot. OK. I think it is any time a notification comes in. It seems to switch all apps to mono. I just rebooted and it was working fine. A text came in and it switched to mono again for all apps.
did any one noticed that the microphone is not working properly while on call but on speaker mode it just works fine.. Do you guys have this problem..
I only listen over bluetooth so I have not experienced this yet. I'll try plugging in directly and seeing if the same happens.
I have been having the same issue with the music and phone calls only playing in the left ear. I use my phone a ton throughout the day for business, music, and podcasts. I hate that I have to reboot after every phone call or music stopage. I am shocked that no other work around has been found other than a reboot, or pull the plug out a quarter of an inch. Frustrating!
I had a problem today where my Lumia 521 running WP 8.1DP didn't recognize that my headphones were in and instead blasted my music to the whole bus! Took me a second to realize that I wasn't the only one hearing it. :shocked:
I thought maybe it had to do with installing MixRadio update earlier today, but it sounds like others have heard headphone issues as well, even before that update.
Lumia 920 user here. Dealing with the same issue, crackling sound and all. Definitely caused by notifications while headphones are in regardless if music or some other audio source is already playing. A reboot is the only fix and is only temporary until it happens again. I listen to music often and I'm more tempted to rollback to WP8 every time this happens.
Think about this: from appstudio
"A preview update only includes the Microsoft portion of the update; mobile operator and OEM driver updates will be available when the official update for your phone is available."
8.1 operating system with 8.0 firmware and carrier 8.0 updates. Could this be the problem?

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