Hello! New to Windows 7 and Trophy


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi, I will be getting my new Verizon Trophy in a few days. I was a dedicated Blackberry user for a long time, but couldn't take the constant battery pulls and other troubles that came with the phones. I briefly tried webOs with a Pixie. Didn't like it at all. Went to the Verizon store and really liked the Trophy, even though the sales person tried to convince me to go with iPhone or Android. Anyhow, I found an excellent deal for a new Trophy without having to extend my contract and I am really excited to learn about windows 7 phones. I am reading up on Mango right now, can't wait!

I just ordered a Case-Mate barely there for my phone, hope that's a good choice.

So, just a quick Hello and I am sure I will be asking questions here shortly :)
Thanks! I have a question about Zune. Is it necessary for me to have that on my desktop or can I update OTA in the future? I am not a gamer, just looking for a few apps. Thank again.
Not sure what OTA means but you can download music directly through your phone using zune (the same goes for games, although the bigger ones need a wifi connection to download) however if you are after movies or tv shows, thats where having zune on your desktop becomes mandatory.
OTA - Over The Air. Sorry about that.

Thanks for the info, exactly what I wanted to know.
you will need zune to do any major updates but if you want to downlaod games and apps you can do that from the phone but you need zune if you want to snyc music that is on your pc other than that No.
congrats my friend. When it comes to zune you need to do updates like mango. Also needed to sync music and podcasts. Good thing about it tho is once you wirelessly sync so anytime you plug your phone in the charger it will sync anything you want added to your phone. Also you can search the marketplace on zune as well. Its like itunes but i think better. Just my opinion tho
congrats my friend. When it comes to zune you need to do updates like mango. Also needed to sync music and podcasts. Good thing about it tho is once you wirelessly sync so anytime you plug your phone in the charger it will sync anything you want added to your phone. Also you can search the marketplace on zune as well. Its like itunes but i think better. Just my opinion tho

Zune is worlds better than iTunes. iTunes feels like a program written 15 years ago, that just keeps getting updated which just makes the whole experience a huge mess.
I ended up downloading Zune earlier just to check it out. I totally agree, it's so much better than iTunes.
Where did you find this great deal? I'm looking for a Trophy for a good price as my Verizon line is a type of concession line (very low cost but I don't get any subsidized pricing) so I need good deals. :)
Mine was a family deal, but it's always worth checking craigslist and eBay. If you do find a phone on craigslist, arrange to meet at a Verizon store to make sure that the ESN is clean.
Yeah I always do that, never been burned and I don't plan to be. :) I was hoping this deal was somewhere else. CL in my area doesn't have a single Trophy for sale and I'm not a big ebay fan.
Yeah, Zune is so much better and the subscription of Zune pass is awesome. Especially when Smart DJ gets integrated into the phone in mango. It's basically $5 for streaming service and downloading any song you want as long as you're subscribed and $10 for 10 songs that you own for good. A very very nice $15 subscription. Can't wait for Mango and that feature plus the podcast download in the market from the phone in mango as well. I listen to a ton of podcast's.
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