The problem is you have first party apps for MS services (like Outlook and Skydrive) and it appears that Google will do anything it can to slow down MS and I believe only anti-trust/government intervention will force Google to put any first party apps (GMail, Maps, Search, etc) on Windows Phone. I think they figure Apple is big enough to keep the anti trust away and they don't want to compete with two major competitors. For people that say app support will eventually catch up I think you have to accept this won't happen and you are basically like the Mac users of the 90s/2000s of accepting the Apple software or not. Windows Phone is now 3 years old and I believe unless they get to 10% that a number of apps will never come to Windows Phone (I'm talking mostly about 3rd party commercial services like banks (especially low resource/local ones like Credit Unions), Finance (Fidelity, etc), Travel (Hotels, Airlines), Sports (especially apps for your local team like Baseball, Football, B-Ball and Hockey). If one of those is important to you then you either accept the limitation or go to iOS or Android.