Help needed. Want to get back into Windows Phone from iPhone.

Mc Bing

New member
Dec 15, 2014

I'm currently using all the Apple ecosystem including MacBook Pro, iPhone and iPad.

I like the new Alcatel windows phone. My concern is this, I do not have a pc only a MacBook Pro. I need to transfer my cd lessons to my device or cloud to have access to it on my device daily. I use the Apple cd drive to transfer the cd to my MacBook Pro. .

My question is this, does windows phone work with MacBooks at all? I heard there was a windows app but it's no longer available. I would like to transfer my cd to my device as well as pictures. Is this even possible now? I also realize there's a micro sd used on the Alcatel phone but would the sd card work from my MacBook to windows phone and vise verse? To add I either add the cd lessons onto my device directly or use Amazon Music cloud as I'm a prime member.

I hope someone has an answer for this. I really enjoyed windows phone back when it was 7. And hope that I can come back at least with my phone and still have access to what I need.

Thanks in advance.
Not sure what "cd lessons" are but transferring anything between devices would be easy with one drive. just a matter of uploading it to one drive.
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Thanks for the reply. Cd lessons are MP3 files I use daily from an actual cd that I listen to on my phone.

I've downloaded and installed the One Drive app onto my MacBook and my iPhone. I created a folder for the cd and copied over one of the MP3 files on my MacBook to that folder. I'm still waiting to see the folder and file appear in my One Drive app on my iPhone. I'm guessing it takes some time to appear.

I really want this to work. I appreciate the help.
It works! Thanks again for the help.

This is what i ended up doing instead of using the OneDrive app from the App store. I logged into OneDrive site through Safari, uploaded my mp3 file from iTunes at that (Album art transferred as well) and voila! It appeared on my iPhone OneDrive app in less than a minute. And it plays, and it plays in the background on my iPhone to boot, which is what I need.

Now the last concern would be, does OneDrive app on windows phone play mp3 files on the background while I have another app like Office or Notes open? Also, does Groove Music play your OneDrive mp3's? or is it going through the OneDrive app itself?

Sorry, i don't have a Windows Phone to check this.... yet :)

Again thanks for the help!
It works! Thanks again for the help.

This is what i ended up doing instead of using the OneDrive app from the App store. I logged into OneDrive site through Safari, uploaded my mp3 file from iTunes at that (Album art transferred as well) and voila! It appeared on my iPhone OneDrive app in less than a minute. And it plays, and it plays in the background on my iPhone to boot, which is what I need.

Now the last concern would be, does OneDrive app on windows phone play mp3 files on the background while I have another app like Office or Notes open? Also, does Groove Music play your OneDrive mp3's? or is it going through the OneDrive app itself?

Sorry, i don't have a Windows Phone to check this.... yet :)

Again thanks for the help!

Not sure about one drive app playing mp3 files. Groove does play your one drive music .
Groove, and most of the apps that are music players, and also the youtube players, work in the background without hassle.
Less hassle: copy all music/mp3 to SD card.

Otherwise, Windows Mobile plays well with Apple eco system. I have all calendars and adress books in the iCloud, syncs well with Windows phones.
Wonderful. I appreciate all the help and information. I know my question may had been out in left field but this was an important must have for me to get back into Windows phone.

I do have one last minor question about the micro sd used in windows phone.

Do you happen to know if the micro sd would be recognized from the windows phone put straight into a MacBook? Not a huge deal but it'd be nice if it's possible.
How funny. I was just replying about this below at the same time you wrote this answer. Thank you!

My question was exactly what you mentioned. Would the sd from the windows phone be recognized from my MacBook and vise versa?
How funny. I was just replying about this below at the same time you wrote this answer. Thank you!

My question was exactly what you mentioned. Would the sd from the windows phone be recognized from my MacBook and vise versa?

I'd say that it depends on the formatting of your SD card, I suppose? Coz similar to how USB drives are formatted, Macs may not be able to read the SD card while a normal Windows PC could (speaking from my experience lending my USB drive to a friend with a Mac). However, this is dependent on the format of the storage drive. I'm not sure what format allows for access by both Windows and Mac, but yeah. You need a specific format for a USB drive, or in your case, an SD card, to be able to use it with both Windows PC and a Mac.

But this is me speaking from my experience 3 years ago. Not sure if the same thing still applies now, though. :/
Fat32 format would work fine, but it has a limit of file size (4gb). So the next, newer option is exfat. I think it should be compatible with mac too.

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