Just talked w/an agent, and I think this is what I need to do. First of all, here's all the information I got on current promotions:
- 50% off all ATT devices between $0.99 - $199.99. Deal goes from now through Dec 7th
- $200 off the 2520 with purchase of another device does not have an ending date set until the device drops on Nov 22nd.
- No information about black friday deals was given
- The $20 app credit goes through Jan 9th, but she did NOT have any details about Spartan Assault, and 50GB of cloud storage on AT&T Locker.
- The deal to turn a device in that is < 3 years old and still working is currently active and would apply to EACH device purchased (so if I was buying 2 devices and had 2 old devices, I could get a total of $200 off), but I cannot get text messages off my Titan.
So, because of the time frame of all those deals, the first thing I'm going to do is check to see if there's an ending date for the $200 off the 2520 deal when it drops on Nov 22nd. If it goes through black friday and cyber monday, I'll wait through those days to see if there are any other deals. It doesn't seem like there are any other pre-order deals that make it so I can't wait those dates through. The Spartan Assualt and 50GB of cloud space SEEMS to be just "on purchase of the 1520," as far as I can tell.
So if everything works out right, I should be able to get the 1520, 2520, $20 of app cred, hopefully spartan assault, and 50GB of cloud space
all for $300... or possibly lower with a BF/CM deal. Am I missing anything here??
******* UPDATE 11/22/13 ************
Just got back from the store. Here's how it all went down:
- I showed him the web price for the 1520 so he marked that down to $100.
- I confirmed w/him that the 2520 showed up for $200 less when the 1520 was added to the cart
- He evaluated my HTC Titan at $18, but said because it fell w/in the 3 year period, had no major defects, and could turn on (
even though it could not go any further than the logo screen) it was instantly marked up to $100 as a trade in. You may need to point this out to the rep you work with. YMMV
- I had to pay for the 1520 separate because the 2520 is being drop shipped to me (the store was too small to carry it). He said it would arrive in a few days... we'll see.
WITH TAX, the prices came out to be:
$215.99 for the 2520
$7.99 for the 1520
I'm looking @ my 1520 as we speak

Wow... so apparently I'm going to get a free power keyboard now as well
Nokia ups the ante, offers free Power Keyboard for Lumia 2520 owners | Windows Phone Central
Here's the order form entry:
Nokia Power Keyboard Offer