Hi, just picked up a trophy!


New member
Aug 13, 2011
New to wp7, coming from android which I have grown to hate..I would even go as far as to call the os horrid compared to wp7, having to hack/mod/tweak to no end just to get it to work right..anyways here is my intro, I hope to meet some good people on here and join some good discussions!
I use to have Android and now hate it as well. The only thing i miss is the Google Navigation. Your exactly right tho the only way to get everything to work properly is to hack/mod/tweak all the time. Also having to keep a look out for new roms and stuff is very tiring. WP7 not only relieves stress from looking for those roms and dealing with the pain in the but os, but also is simple with a cool twist with the live tiles. Its really like a widget in a tile.
You have a great phone with a great OS. When you get mango and the programs to take advantage of mango, you will be happier.
nice to meet you guys, yeah google navigation was plus but I just bought turn by turn app and it works just fine..as far as mango I heard it was gonna be released sep.22? Oh and as far as the custom roms I agree, It's tiring and seems like for every gain you have to take a loss. I dont understand why verizon is pushing android so much and they actually got a little nasty with me when I asked about my free xbox game!! I hope wp7 cures the android sickness, I played with all the android phones in the store and not even the dual core beast could come close to matching the perfomance of my trophy.
nice to meet you guys, yeah google navigation was plus but I just bought turn by turn app and it works just fine..as far as mango I heard it was gonna be released sep.22? Oh and as far as the custom roms I agree, It's tiring and seems like for every gain you have to take a loss. I dont understand why verizon is pushing android so much and they actually got a little nasty with me when I asked about my free xbox game!! I hope wp7 cures the android sickness, I played with all the android phones in the store and not even the dual core beast could come close to matching the perfomance of my trophy.

I was in the same boat as you. I had a motorola droid and didn't care for it. I played with every top android phone in the store and none of them were as smooth as my wife's iphone 4. Started reading reviews and watching videos on WP7 and now I've got a trophy. I really think this phone is smoother and more responsive than the iphone. I am so pleased with this phone.
New to wp7, coming from android which I have grown to hate..I would even go as far as to call the os horrid compared to wp7, having to hack/mod/tweak to no end just to get it to work right..anyways here is my intro, I hope to meet some good people on here and join some good discussions!
Welcome to the revolution and enjoy your new mobile OS. Welcome to the family

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