Hey everyone, I really like the High contrast mode on the black 822 (both with light and dark backgrounds) however with the light background, is it safe to say that will drain more battery since, from what I remember, by having more white pixels on the screen more often it drains the battery vs when there is black it uses less because on black portions it doesn't even have to light up the pixels? Hope I just made sense.
(FYI High Contrast mode with Dark background is also very cool as its a lot of black with white outlines on tiles ... might save even more battery life!)
Also, I noticed in high contrast mode, it doesn't allow you to have a screen saver Anyone else experiencing this or find a way around it?
Out side of that, I LOVE this phone so far (And so does my dad). Got them today at Best Buy for Free. My mom is getting the White one at Costco for $49.99. One bog Happy 822 family
Thanks in advance for all info... truly appreciated!
(FYI High Contrast mode with Dark background is also very cool as its a lot of black with white outlines on tiles ... might save even more battery life!)
Also, I noticed in high contrast mode, it doesn't allow you to have a screen saver Anyone else experiencing this or find a way around it?
Out side of that, I LOVE this phone so far (And so does my dad). Got them today at Best Buy for Free. My mom is getting the White one at Costco for $49.99. One bog Happy 822 family
Thanks in advance for all info... truly appreciated!