Hope for the future? Can Nadella redeem himself in our eyes?

RJ Priest

New member
Feb 13, 2013
I just wrote a comment under the Cortana speaker article, made me feel that it could make for a good forum thread and some additions.

There was a time toward the end of the Ballmer era when I was telling people, "Microsoft is the new Apple. This is the company with fresh ideas and thoughtful innovaton. Google is now the evil 90's Microsoft. Apple is becoming RIM (Blackberry) - afraid to innovate and upset their status quo."

There was so much excitement for Nokia D&S coming in house, to finally bring the software and hardware together on a level not yet seen. Nadella's timing was so bad (for us consumers), he came in and killed it off before the fruits of labour could be realized. Say what you want about Mr. Ballmer, but I feel that he realized that he had dropped the ball in 2007 in dismissing the iPhone, and was boldly pushing forward with a vision for Microsoft to be a leader in innovative, top quality hardware for the consumer. It's unfortunate that Mr. Ballmer couldn't have remained in charge for another couple of years along with Mr. Elop.

I wish for Mr. Nadella to prove us all wrong and redeem himself in our eyes, but from what he's shown us, I feel that under Nadella, HoloLens never happens, Xbox dies with the red ring of death, Surface gets written off after the first generation, the Band never happens. Nadella gives us the impression*that he is adverse to risk taking and innovation. That he might be a "bean counter's" and share holder's CEO, reluctant to take risks, reluctant to stand by a product to build mindshare of the consumer, and ultimately market share. :(

This product (referring to the Cortana speaker) might simply be a legacy pipeline project which was half heartedly allowed to continue under Nadella and will now be casually thrown at the wall to see if it sticks.

Do you think that the current state of affairs is simply the suffering before the resurrection? Can Satya Nadella prove us all wrong as we all sit here with our spirits broken, resentment toward Microsoft products growing?

Is there no turning back now? Nadella may want a return to the 90's of Microsoft being strictly software, with 3rd party OEM's handling the hardware. Many of us were looking forward to Mr. Ballmer turning Microsoft into a better version of Apple. I think what Mr. Nadella fails to see is that Microsoft can never have a market leading "cult like" following without first party hardware. I think we're all in agreement, that there there is just something special and more appealing about having a device like Surface, over a 3rd party brand. With the Nokia brand, Microsoft was covered, we loved Nokia Lumia's the way Apple consumers worship Apple's branding.

Props to Dell for really taking their products to the forefront since going private again. A few years ago, Dell had the "ick" factor, now products like the XPS 13 & XPS 15 are hard to resist, creating more positive feeling for the Dell brand.

But as it stands, how many of us truly want an Alcatel or Hewlett-Packard phone? Those brands & products just don't capture the passion (at least at this time). What if Microsoft can't secure a 3rd party OEM whom can really attract passionate customers to the ecosystem?

Nadella's Microsoft continuing to erode and destroy consumer goodwill is significantly damaging in the long term. How much longer until we suddenly redevelop the "Microsoft... eww" factor, that used to exist back in the "Mac vs PC" days.

Panos and whomever other few at the company in his vein (like the HoloLens guy - I forget his name), may be our only hope, but he needs bold leadership above him with a vision and courage to take risks who will allow him to build a positive image and a "must have" status for Microsoft.

Again, shame on Microsoft for allowing for a "brain drain", and not allowing talents like Juha Alakarhu and other innovators at Nokia to have a home at Microsoft.

Alright, this meanders a bit and doesn't stay totally focused on the core thought topic.

Would love to hear your thoughts. Maybe this thread can be our little "focus group / support group" for the old Windows Phone Central faithful who had such high hopes for the future, and who want to continue to do so, but Nadella / Microsoft is breaking our spirits on a daily basis recently.
If you're a windows phone fan, your current motto in life should be: don't expect anything :p

Nadella is starting the 'phone' game from scratch.. This is what? the 3rd reboot so far? we should be used to it by now (talk about low standards).

Tbh I would want my hardware to come from MS, but if that's not possible, then other OEMS will have to do, but currently I'm not willing to spend on a device with a very low SoC. I get the feeling that the further we move down the windows 10 line, the more the amount of RAM/processor will impact your experience.

Laptops will be able to handle it without a problem, but phones will probably need at least 2GB and SD 6xx > to handle continuum.

We're basically becoming android :p we're just in the jellybean era lol
If you're a windows phone fan, your current motto in life should be: don't expect anything :p

Nadella is starting the 'phone' game from scratch.. This is what? the 3rd reboot so far? we should be used to it by now (talk about low standards).

Tbh I would want my hardware to come from MS, but if that's not possible, then other OEMS will have to do, but currently I'm not willing to spend on a device with a very low SoC. I get the feeling that the further we move down the windows 10 line, the more the amount of RAM/processor will impact your experience.

Laptops will be able to handle it without a problem, but phones will probably need at least 2GB and SD 6xx > to handle continuum.

We're basically becoming android :p we're just in the jellybean era lol
That's a great analogy, and I think that's fitting.

Unfortunately it seems like mobile is the biggest thing (to us) that he can't (or doesn't want to? not sure which one) do right. If we hear something concrete, I think I'll have more faith in him. For now, it's a wait and see approach for me.
Nadella appears to be cheating the Microsoft faithful customers for his own selfish profit. He looks and acts like he is absolutely clueless about the future and mobile.
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I look at things this way: under Ballmer we could see many handsets coming out on regular basis, new categories were invented (like the Surface), even if people didn't like Windows 8 we can't deny it was a big step forward to the Universal Windows Platform, so basically everything Nadella did was to keep the most of Ballmer's legacy, not sure when and who killed the McLaren but that was a bad move too. Until I don't see major updates to W10M (and I don't mean bugfixes and default sound modifications) and OEMs or Microsoft announcing another Windows 10 Mobile phone (or whatever device you guys want to call it, to me it doesn't really matter, a device that can make phone calls will remain a phone for me whatever other features it may have), I surely can't respect Nadella for what he did to W10M.

As to people who say that he is going to do a reset - why would he need that though? He has a platform, which took time and resources to develop and if he starts over he will probably waste more than he would waste to fix the existing one (if it really needed fixing in first place? Right after Ballmer left there still was hope, I am sure Windows Phone 8.1 had 10-20% market share in my country if not even more. And apps were developed for it).
Balmer tried for 7 years and you guys were happy all 7 years right? He kept trying and trying and just wasting money into something that was impossible. Once something gains hold among consumers they don't just swap out of nowhere. Just like windows became the titan In PC's it was impossible to defeat it.

Satya saw that those shares some countries got from poor people buying lumia 520's were getting them no money. If they were getting money from their app store they wouldn't do what they did. It was just a massive loss of money. You saw the stats for years, the lumia 520 was the most used windows phone. A piece of garbage that isn't worth a real users time only people who don't care about phones get them because it's a cheap alternative to a smart phone. People who surely won't invest money into an app ecosystem. And you think that Satya is responsible for the market share drop? No it was android cheap devices that gave these users even more for dirt cheap money. They just happened to coincide at a similar time. The most phones losing shares were again lumia 520s and cheap phones.

You guys just have a new CEO to shift blame on for your bad decision. You made a bad tech decision, sorry, it was never the next big thing.

I made the same bad decision because I saw something in windows 10. I'll use my 950xl till I need a new phone and I'm saying bye to windows phone. I'm not going to keep making bad decisions and crying about it.

Move on if you don't like what is happening. Android is now able to recreate the start screen that I actually love. And it can force all tiles to be transparent which even MS can't do yet.

MS will not survive in mobile and they know it. Why can't you figure it out? Instead you cry about Nadella? The guy is just smart. Sure you love the OS, but you are not thinking about it logically instead you try to shift blame somewhere else. "my decision was great, it's just the new CEO messed things up".

They need to use hololens to build their ecosystem. And likely they will mess that up too.
Though we don't have an accurate breakdown of consumer vs. enterprise revenue, most estimates are that 55-65% of Microsoft revenue comes from the enterprise sector: https://forums.windowscentral.com/e...tor%2Fsegment-information.aspx&token=eQ0bPStn

Hence, Satya is focusing very much on that market. What did they just buy? LinkedIn, which is almost non-existent to consumers, but very influential to businesses. He's planning on merging the data gleaned there with Dynamics CRM, and the shiny new toy, Azure Stack expected this year. (That's a tool where people like me could run our 200TB data center on-prem but have it replicated instantly to the Azure cloud for DR and scaling for resource intensive efforts such as Big Data mining in SQL Server using Power BI.

Sent from mTalk
Satya Nadella is no dummy.
Why should he seek redemption from consumers using WM?
As the number 3 direct shareholder of the company it wouldn't be prudent to torpedo one's own portfolio by supporting a failing entity.
We seem to forget Mr. Nadella works for Microsoft and no one else.

In corporate political fashion I still think he was moved up as the soft spoken hatchet man to recover Steve Ballmers folly.
The damage to mobile has been done.
To be fair, the 520 was the best low end phone you could buy in 2013. It had terrific performance on WP8.0, great camera, nice design. Sure, it didn't have flash or a front facing camera but for the price, the value you got for the existing features was tremendous
I think what Mr. Nadella fails to see is that Microsoft can never have a market leading "cult like" following without first party hardware

That's where EVERYONE goes wrong, hardware is/was/will hardly ever be the problem. It has always been the SOFTWARE, the software is what shows up the lack of. What do we complain about? Do we complain about our phones dropping and shattering? Do we complain about our touch screen phones not responding? our volume up/down buttons not working, the power button? the charging ports are always faulty after a month or two? NO it's always about how slow our OS is, the lag, the apps don't work as they should, the battery life is poor, BT doesn't work, WIFI doesn't work as it should. Have you ever read about consumers on the insider programs no matter the ring complain about an issue and MS Fed-Exes a part to replace the WIFI antennae, or a new battery, or a new display screen? NO!!! MS simply sends or CUs to fix the issues which clearly says it and will always be A SOFTWARE ISSUE.

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