Restricted multitasking has its flaws, but gawd save us from Android multitasking.
Android phones have **** multitasking and here is why:
Your browser will be closed anyway. Even if you have tons of RAM, it will be closed if you switch, and soon.
Apps can start whenever they want and you can't do **** about it (other than uninstall them). This is the way developers think: our app is important, so we make it stay in RAM. Screw you. We know better. On Android all apps LOVE to stay in RAM. Calendar, Google services, Play Market, clock, contacts, games, weather. Yes, games. They remind you that you are supposed to play your games.
One day I installed Clash of Clans, that abomination of a game. Next day I go sleep. At 2:00 AM suddenly Clash of Clans posts notification with sound: "Play plz))".
On Android all apps are not restricted from running whenever they want. The only way to suppress them from running is installing some app like Greenify or App Quarantine Pro. To use such apps you need root access.
I use FireFox browser on Android. Guess what? It closes tabs if you switch from it to other app. Enough RAM or not. Part of the problem with Android is that you can't even tell if you are running out of RAM or not. It is hard to figure out because Android caches everything. Runs everything. Android has that wonderful IntentReceiver subsystem (I call it auto-restarts). So any app can start on any event. When phone boots, when phone regains network connection (can happen many times per day), when u turn on the screen, etc. It's hell.
Android Multitasking could work. But the problem is that Developers massively abuse AutoRestarts. It is terrible. To deal with them, you should either have very few apps installed or use hack-apps like Quarantine Pro. Otherwise a game you installed a month ago and played just once will happily start itself whenever it pleases to execute some "background task". Another problem is that even if you want the app to stay in memory, it won't! Unless developers kindly provided "stay in memory" setting for this particular app. I am looking at you, FireFox. If it does not want to stay in memory, it won't. FireFox does not stay in memory, it happily exits on first chance, and them browser tabs get WASTED.
So to sum it up: on Android apps you don't want to run, they run. But the apps you want to stay in RAM, they exit. Freaking amazing.
The main source of the problem are: developers. And by developers I mean not coders because they don't always make the decision about whether to provide certain settings or not; whether to make app stay in memory or not. In an ideal world multitasking model of Android OS would work very well, perhaps:
- Browser has option to stay in memory
- Games do not Auto-Restart to check updates and post notifications about "bonus experience". Ever.
- Messenger apps have option to stay in memory, but also an option to log off (Skype, I am looking at you).
A lot of apps will often work NOT like you want them to.
Here is a good example: YouTube app. I want it to work OnLy when I start it. But no. On Android, it starts on boot, then checks updates. Then exits. Then checks updates again. lawl? No idea what it checks, but you can see it for yourself. Install YouTube for Android. Restart your phone. It's here. force-close youtube. Check list of processes in an hour. It's there. Many apps either run when they should not or quit when they should not.