How can I access my social media without logging onto individual APPs?

Durlov Baruah

New member
Oct 2, 2014
Social Media without logging onto individual APPs

One of the primary differentiator of windows phone architecture was the possibility to be on the social media without really installing any social media third party applications. The main features that it enabled were:
1. The best feature of this thought process was 'texting and chatting on the same thread'. It allowed us to go into history of both FB chat and texting with so much ease. No phone OS could match that.
2. The 'chat status' of being invisible, offline or online was very convenient.
3. The notifications from FB, Twitter and Linkedin were automatic on the 'ME' tile.
4. The concept of 'People Hub' was so much richer with the individual social media updates and 'photos' tab for each contact. We could comment and like their posts and photos without logging onto individual apps. (Twitter is still integrated).

It is request to the windows phone team to reconsider this decision of integrating the FB and Messenger app and give us the option of enjoying FB without the apps. The text should be threaded with FB chat and in fact we should try to have tweets threaded along with as well.

Whoever supports me on this, please comment and let this be heard by the Microsoft team.

Thank you.

Durlov Baruah


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Re: Social Media without logging onto individual APPs

Hi Durlov,

This is a user forum and not an official MS site. This has been discussed quite a bit on this site and I'm sure if you do a search on here you will find those discussions.

If you want to suggest something to MS you can use Uservoice -

I would probably do a search there as this is possibly already on there somewhere.

Saying that, since Facebook has forced the use of Facebook messenger I'm guessing they won't be returning to this. Also it causes issues if the network decides to update their APIs.


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