How can I migrate text messages from Window 10 mobile to Android (Samsung).


Well-known member
May 28, 2013
I want to migrate my SMS messages from my Windows phone to a Samsung S20 FE. I have never used any Android before and won't even have that one until tomorrow.

In the Windows world, my texts followed me from phone to phone over the last 7 years with no action on my part. Am looking for the simplest way to migrate them, preferably so they are seamlessly merged with new texts on the Android platform.

I'm asking this here and on Android Central to increase likelihood someone who has done that sees it.

I found the following but don't know if it still works or if there is an easier/better way. on Android,will appear with those files.
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I want to migrate my text messages from my Windows phone to a Samsung S20 FE. I have never used any Android before and won't even have that one until tomorrow.

In the Windows world, my texts followed me from phone to phone over the last 7 years with no action on my part. Am looking for the simplest way to migrate them, preferably so they are seamlessly merged with new texts on the Android platform.

I'm asking this here and on Android Central to increase likelihood someone who has done that sees it.

I found the following but don't know if it still works or if there is an easier/better way. on Android,will appear with those files.

Great question, trusted member; I'll be watching for responses, here and there. I've been guessing/expecting that texts are tied to our phones lines/carriers, rather than our Microsoft devices or accounts. I lost my calendar app today -or noticed it today- on my 950 (!) and may finally have to succumb and migrate to one my angroids-in-waiting. (Or maybe I can pick up an IPaq somewhere.) I'm visiting T-Mobile in the morning to get the word on texts there. Enjoy your Samsung, and good luck with your migration.
I'm sorry I don't know the answer.

I've moved from Symbian to Blackberry to Windows Phone to Android. However, I never kept my old text messages through those moves. I'll save pictures from MMS, but SMS have always been read it, answer it (or not) and delete it.
I'm sorry I don't know the answer.

I've moved from Symbian to Blackberry to Windows Phone to Android. However, I never kept my old text messages through those moves. I'll save pictures from MMS, but SMS have always been read it, answer it (or not) and delete it.
Then lets hope you never get hauled before Judge Judy. Apparently most cases are lost because a party can't produce an old text that validates their testimony.
Then lets hope you never get hauled before Judge Judy. Apparently most cases are lost because a party can't produce an old text that validates their testimony.

I don't know Laura personally, but from what I see of her on here, I'm guessing the chances of her needing a text for testimony validation are pretty low! :wink:

I used to work in IT. One time a girl came into our shop with an ancient Android phone. This happened several years ago, and the phone was very old even then. She needed an SMS thread for court. This isn't something we did, as we only worked with computers. However, several of us were avid users of Android phones, so we knew how to do it. If the billing clock is ticking, we'll do what the customer asks us to do. :angel: IIRC, I extracted the thread and saved it as a .txt file on a thumb drive for her.
A .txt file surely does not have the provenance to be used as evidence in court? :o

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