How can I move pictures and videos from the windows photo app on my computer to the hard drive files


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Feb 21, 2018
I cannot find a great way to move my pictures from the photo app on the computer to the file explorer hard drive place. I cannot access the photos in the app to bring them into other projects. I can only access the file explorer which is why I want to move some of them. I have only figured out how to move them via copy paste which is ok for pictures, but when I tried to copy and paste videos, they just come up as pictures when pasted.
In Photos app, select the picture and open full screen. Select the menu (...) and File Info option.

On the left a panel should open and show the Source. This will be the folder you can browse to or OneDrive if not stored on your computer.

If it is in OneDrive, you can access your OneDrive files from explorer by doing this setup (You might also need to add your Account as a first step too):

If in Explorer, find the same folder!
I think as suggest above One drive is the best solution. Once you move files to one drive and download from there to your HDD.

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