How can I prevent or remove a Virus on Windows phone?

Spiros Mixailidis

New member
Aug 27, 2014
Is there any good way of removing a virus from a windows phone? How to scan for viruses? Is there an antivirus app in the windows phone store?
Sometimes doctors do things like that to make the patient believe they are being helped. :amaze: I suppose it could work the same way with an antivirus on a phone? Sometimes what we believe is reality is more important than actual reality.

Believing that your phone has a virus and using an anti-virus to rid it of an imaginary virus is not more important than the actual reality. Mind over matter or the power of positive thinking won't work on "machine" thinking it does ( in the case of the placebo effect) won't fix a problem that's not there OR even there -particularly on-a-phone. That only works with the human mind and human "spirit" so no it won't work on a phone ( if you were even serious) :smile:
It can certainly have a virus, but at the moment it won't be infected by that virus. If you copy an infected file from windows to your phone, it has that virus, but until you copy it to another computer, it won't do anything.
It can certainly have a virus, but at the moment it won't be infected by that virus. If you copy an infected file from windows to your phone, it has that virus, but until you copy it to another computer, it won't do anything.

With that being said I believe the assumption was a virus that would affect the device its on. Thinking like that then Ubuntu can't announce that its basically virus free because it could have a windows virus or malware.
It can certainly have a virus, but at the moment it won't be infected by that virus. If you copy an infected file from windows to your phone, it has that virus, but until you copy it to another computer, it won't do anything.

With that being said I believe the assumption was a virus that would affect the device its on. Thinking like that then Ubuntu can't announce that its basically virus free because it could have a windows virus or malware.

You can give that virus that you'll never see to me if you find one.

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