How can I upload my music faster to OneDrive?


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Trouble Uploading Music to OneDrive

I recently tried uploading my music folder from my PC to OneDrive. I have about 55GB of music so I figured it would take awhile so I started it before going to bed. When I checked the next morning, all the subfolders containing the names of the artist were there, but very little music was actually uploaded (about 3.5gb). So is there some strategy for doing a large upload that involves layers of folders to ensure the actual files get uploaded? BTW, I'm just doing this as an "off site" back up, but it would be nice if the rumored integration with XBOX Music happens.
Re: Trouble Uploading Music to OneDrive

You didn't say how you're trying to push your files to OneDrive. Are you doing a copy/paste through File Explorer? Also, what version of Windows is on your PC?
Re: Trouble Uploading Music to OneDrive

You didn't say how you're trying to push your files to OneDrive. Are you doing a copy/paste through File Explorer? Also, what version of Windows is on your PC?
I'm on a HP desktop running 8.1, and I'm connecting to OneDrive using Chrome. When I was given the option to upload folders or files, I selected "Folder" and clicked on my music folder named "MP3s". Now when I click on the folder on OneDrive, it displays all the subfolders named for the artists, but only a small portion of them contain music files.

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