How did you setup your Lumia Icon start screen?

Hit the volume up button and the power button at the same time to take a screenshot. Either upload that picture to your computer and attach it there or use the mobile app to attach it. It's saved under Screenshots in your photo library.
The screen is bigger than it looks here because I have the far left and right columns with no tiles. Very clean...
Then you can scroll down and get to all sorts of other apps.
A few months ago I noticed someone was posting pictures of their startscreens on Instagram with the hastag #startscreen or #startscreensaturday. That is a great way to share and look for ideas, I've been sharing a few myself.
What weather app is that with city "Nashville"?

That app is called Weather Flow.

Weather Flow | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

I think the calendar app that you're talking about is Cal. I use it as well, and it is excellent.

Cal | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

Actually... that is called "Live Tile Clock". Gives you the choice of analog clock or digital - many selections. Some free, some paid. Updates every minute so it stays in sync with the phone clock.

Live Tile Clock 8.1 | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
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