How Do I Edit My Signature?

If you already saw where to edit in a signature and it would not save, it may not be within signature guidelines...

Try PMing a Moderator for help.

Near the top on the left you see your Avatar and screen name?

Click on "Settings" (next to the gear) > click on "Edit Signature" > Use the editor box... It's very similar to the Reply box.


As you can tell... It is a WYSIWYG editor *What You See Is What You Get*

​When you have it the way you like, click Save Signature.

Near the top on the left you see your Avatar and screen name?

Click on "Settings" (next to the gear) > click on "Edit Signature" > Use the editor box... It's very similar to the Reply box.

View attachment 90311

As you can tell... It is a WYSIWYG editor *What You See Is What You Get*

​When you have it the way you like, click Save Signature.

Thanks dude!
It's worth noting that the following are the rules regarding signatures:

[note]Forums Signatures:

•Any images used in your signature are subject to approval. They must not exceed a file size of 19.5kb or a size greater than 500px (w) x 100px (h)
•Links to external websites are NOT allowed in your forums signature. If you wish to include an external link, please contact a moderator.
•Traffic leaching will not be tolerated.
•Inclusion of images and links are at the sole discretion of our moderation teams.
•Forums Signatures are subject to review and modification by Mobile Nations at any time.

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