...TO the OP, as it did work, it was VERY hit or miss and performance on a higher end phone at the time (ICON) was questionable on most apps.
The only thing I really liked is I had the option of all those missing apps...but, over all it WAS a dispointment and performance of the phone dropped HUGE after about 2 weeks of playing with assorted apps...
Quality of apps was better than MOST WP apps (more updated meaning more features) but, the feel of WP apps are nicer... but, maybe that is me..
So glad this was cancelled. I don't want Android crapps on my Lumia.
I don't mind the iOS ports though.
No, that's just you. I would've loved to have Android apps on my Lumia. If you don't like them, don't install them.
I agree...The IOS project is still in development. Project Islandwood. Apparently it is being used by Instagram.
I sicerely don't understand people saying that they don't want android apps and that they're glad astoria was cancelled. Well guess what, you acctualy don't have to install or use them (android apps) at all, while many would benefit from them. It'd have been cool if they left astoria in special astoria build ring, so if you wanted you could simply install wm version with that ability and if you're alergic to "crap from Google", fine, install different builds. Maybe it'd have made me stay with windows phone...
I don't have proof of course but I am absolutely convinced they never intended to do this. I believe some "what if" people slapped something together.and then some exec said, we can shut up a lot of complainers for a while by pretending this will solve the app problem but they never intended to do it.Apparently the Android layer gunked up the works and slowed the system down over time... (Sound familiar?)