How do I keep Windows Hello from putting my laptop in sleep mode?

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Windows Central Question

I just got a brand new laptop with Windows Hello. It's very useful for logging in, but my laptop now goes to sleep every time I leave my desk. The red light next to the infrared camera blinks often when I'm using my laptop (which is also pretty annoying), and then if I get up, even for a few minutes (to grab a snack, notebook, etc.) my laptop goes to sleep. I'm pretty computer illiterate, but I suspect that the camera is still looking for me while I'm using my computer and then decides my laptop needs to sleep when it doesn't see my face anymore. Is there any way to change this? I like not having to use a password, but the red light and going to sleep is annoying, especially since I tend to get up from my desk a lot just to stretch. It also seems like having the camera on all the time would drain the battery pretty quickly. Am I way off base here?

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