How do I Show/Hide caller ID in Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2?

Connor Evans

New member
Apr 6, 2015
Show/Hide Caller ID Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2

So I just updated my AT&T Lumia 830 to 8.1 Update 2.

Prior to the update, I could change the Show/Hide Caller ID settings in the Phone settings in the Phone app. I went to change them after the update and they are gone. The drop down menu for selecting the options "My Contacts, No One, Everyone" is completely gone. Was this feature removed for 8.1 Update 2 or has it gone somewhere else.

Also, I noticed that when I go to Settings, there is no swipe to get to the Application settings. Is that gone too?

Just for reference,
ATT Lumia 830
8.10.15148.160--OS Version
02179.00000.15213.43037--Firmware Version
Re: Show/Hide Caller ID Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2

I still have it on my 1520 non AT & T 8.10.15137.148.
Either try to reset your phone to do a fresh install or AT & T remove it.

Application settings is no longer there. Look in Settings. Settings - Photos+Camera or Settings - Backup - Photos+ videos... for example.

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