Windows Central Question
how to transfer camera roll to new phone
Got a new 830, coming from a 920. Restored back up to the 830, but I noticed the camera roll is empty. I wanted my camera roll from my 920 to carry onto my 830. SO I hooked em both up to my PC and manually moved everything over. It worked, but all the videos and panoramas and blinks (everything except regular pics) are not sorted by date properly. Instead, they just show up under today's date. I'm wondering and hoping there is a better way to transfer the camera roll when moving to a new device. Help anyone??
Got a new 830, coming from a 920. Restored back up to the 830, but I noticed the camera roll is empty. I wanted my camera roll from my 920 to carry onto my 830. SO I hooked em both up to my PC and manually moved everything over. It worked, but all the videos and panoramas and blinks (everything except regular pics) are not sorted by date properly. Instead, they just show up under today's date. I'm wondering and hoping there is a better way to transfer the camera roll when moving to a new device. Help anyone??