I was setting up a new laptop and it asked for my Microsoft account credentials.
So I put them in. It then asked me to verify this. One option was to use Authenticator which I have on my 930. The laptop gave me a 5 letter code. I opened Authenticator, entered my MS login, then the code. It said it was wrong. I could find no other instructions so I ended up using the email option.
How is Authenticator suppose to work?
Mr. V
I was setting up a new laptop and it asked for my Microsoft account credentials.
So I put them in. It then asked me to verify this. One option was to use Authenticator which I have on my 930. The laptop gave me a 5 letter code. I opened Authenticator, entered my MS login, then the code. It said it was wrong. I could find no other instructions so I ended up using the email option.
How is Authenticator suppose to work?
Mr. V