How do you carry your device?

I do not like carrying my phone in my pocket. 1) because I only have two pockets. One for my keys, the other for my wallet since I do not like putting it in my back pockets, and 2) pocket lint. I use a holster to carry it, it is not the best fashion statement, but it is always accessible and secure. There are no good alternatives for men.
Holster is the least secure.

Speaking of secure, I do the 3 pocket pat every hundred or so feet when walking in crowded areas. I am a bit paranoid of pick pockets for some reason.

Lint is a real non-issue. I have blown out my iphone dock connector area a few times in 3+ years. Not a big deal if I never do either. Guy at work who just upgraded to a 4S had never cleaned out his 3 year old iphone connector and it was flush with the body of the phone with lint. He never had any connection problems either. The connector just pushed the lint in. Though the ipod connector may keep out more lint due to its thin size than the mini USB connector port.
Right front side pocket, or one of my jacket pockets with the 3.5 jack towards me or down my pant leg

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