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- Nov 23, 2012
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Not out in the cold, but dead. That suggestion implies that all browsers not currently using WebKit switch to it. It implies conceding to WebKit, that their dominance of the mobile web allows them to dictate standards.
Apparently, StevesBalls thinks this is likely to happen. I doubt this is realistic, but I'm no web developer.
This is what I meant:
As it is now, the W3C standards and their implementations are separate entities, which would need to be merged. WebKit's implementation then defines/becomes the standard, thereby making it impossible, by definition, for WebKit to deviate from the standard. What previously would have been a proprietary feature, or a feature based on an incomplete standard, just becomes the standard.
After rethinking that comment, I realize it is unnecessary. If WebKit is the only rendering engine in use, globally, then there is no such thing as a proprietary feature. WebKit could also just choose not to release features based on incomplete standards and nix the tradition of prefixing altogether. Add to that a guarantee of perpetual backward compatibility and it amounts to the same thing. Then the two entities can remain separate.
Anyway, the requirement is that corporations with large corporate intranets shouldn't need to worry about proprietary functionality or changing standards incurring large maintenance costs down the road.
As you can see, I don't think about these things all too often :wink:
And yet we all rightly blame Microsoft for the idiocy which was IE6, which still plagues corporate intranet applications to this day. Microsoft barely cared about standards compliance back then. The reason Microsoft got away with it is because they had a monopoly on the desktop browser market. Today it is WebKit that has a de facto monopoly on mobile browsers. Many mobile websites are tested using nothing but WebKit, wile companies like Google seem more than happy to ignore Firefox, IE and Opera outright (leading to the suboptimal experiences described by deuxani), even though I recognize nothing that would warrant a proprietary WebKit implementation.
Are we not creating a new IE6 for the mobile web? Are you sure it is good policy to be unsure about weather or not Google and Apple are behaving responsibly (the whole blame thing)?
We have IE6 because W3C screwed MS. After they added all their custom functionality, in IE4/5, the W3C basically said we hate MS, so we will write the spec to oppose what MS is doing. Then MS got stuck in the position of either supporting the already written corporate applications, or moving to the standards and leaving all those corporations out in the cold. Obviously, the second choice was a bad idea, so they made IE6 to support what they could, and ever since they have been gradually work people off of their things to more standards compliant browsers. Honestly, for the position they were in, I think it was a fairly sane way to go about it. I used to be one of those "MS Haters", but the more I work in tech, the more I understand why they did some things.
Besides, Firefox is now my most hated browser. If I have a weird bug, it's almost always in Firefox...