How is the Lumia Vs Other Brands?

Elisamuel Figueroa

New member
Jun 3, 2014
Lumias Vs Other Brands

I'm thinking on buy a new WP but the one i really want is the 640. The 830 looks very convincing.

The Blu Brand phones look very nice. What apps i will lose from having beside the Lumia only dedicated apps?.
There's Glance screen on certain Lumias. Some people can live without it but this is one of my absolute favourite features.

There's also the dedicated camera button on the Lumia 830. That's another feature I've grown accustomed to: one press to the camera anywhere, anytime, regardless of whether the screen is on or not.
Re: Lumias Vs Other Brands

Besides Lumia specific? None that I know of. I mean a WP App is still a WP App, right? Other firmware Apps like HTC or Samsung also won't work. As a Factory Unlocked phone it generally will not run any carrier specific Apps either.

I recently satisfied my curiosity about Blu Win HD. Here is my review:

I will say the 640, but more particularly the XL, look very compelling to me as well. It's all about price point isn't it? For the $$$ I felt Win HD was a solid value.

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