My $0.02:
Over here in Panama, Blackberries have taken the market by storm. Almost anyone, from low-income people to high-income executives and the like are carrying BBs. It's been a couple of years now of this trend and all 4 carriers (we have around 6 million cellphones in a country of slightly less than 4 million) carry the latest RIM devices. People just LOVE, ADORE and WORSHIP their BBMs, it's insane.
Android has started to pick up steam now, with a big push coming from Samsung and LG, releasing phones at every pricepoint (we even have the Galaxy S II! That shocked me).
WP7, sadly, is not even sold/supported/nothing here. I show them to my friends and they are AMAZED, some even drop their jaws in awe at how beautiful, minimalistic and 'flowy' (haha) it is. It's so sad WP7 is not available here (on carriers, I mean; a couple of importers have the HD7), they are missing out on a growing market. However, I do hate to admit to everyone I have almost no way of IMing people, only FB chat (not even WhatsApp). We still have ways to go.
Over here in Panama, Blackberries have taken the market by storm. Almost anyone, from low-income people to high-income executives and the like are carrying BBs. It's been a couple of years now of this trend and all 4 carriers (we have around 6 million cellphones in a country of slightly less than 4 million) carry the latest RIM devices. People just LOVE, ADORE and WORSHIP their BBMs, it's insane.
Android has started to pick up steam now, with a big push coming from Samsung and LG, releasing phones at every pricepoint (we even have the Galaxy S II! That shocked me).
WP7, sadly, is not even sold/supported/nothing here. I show them to my friends and they are AMAZED, some even drop their jaws in awe at how beautiful, minimalistic and 'flowy' (haha) it is. It's so sad WP7 is not available here (on carriers, I mean; a couple of importers have the HD7), they are missing out on a growing market. However, I do hate to admit to everyone I have almost no way of IMing people, only FB chat (not even WhatsApp). We still have ways to go.