Personally, I spend a long time staring at my laptop screen. However, it just occurred to me that it's probably not very good for my posture. Recently, I have been trying to take breaks in between sessions of sitting. How about you?
Personally, I spend a long time staring at my laptop screen. However, it just occurred to me that it's probably not very good for my posture. Recently, I have been trying to take breaks in between sessions of sitting. How about you?
about 4 hours everyday. i feell back pain:angry:
The longest I Sat was probably 6 hours on a plane.
Last year I was on an Emirates flight, nonstop from JFK in New York City to Dubai. It's about a 12 hour flight, and I didn't take my seat belt off until about 9 hours after takeoff. We were somewhere over eastern Turkey. It was probable close to 10 hours after I sat down when boarding. That is way too long!
At work, I seldom sit more than an hour or two without getting up. I don't have much of a problem with weight gain because I'm diabetic, so my diet is quite healthy (mainly no sugar).