How long until VGA phones are supported?


New member
Sep 7, 2004
I have tried the various drivers and have been unable to get the Touch Pro to work with the Redfly. It worked fine with my Sprint Mogul but RAM was too tight.

I like the Redfly enough that I went out and bought a Sprint Touch to hold me over until the Touch Diamond/Pro are supported but...

Are there any drivers that work with WM6/6.1 and VGA?

Or if not, any approximate ETA?

Not looking for a commitment but a rough timeframe would be helpful.


We're testing the Touch Pro and Touch Diamond right now. It's still too early to give a good ETA on beta drivers, but I'll be sure to post here when there is any information. Feel free to PM me anytime Avi for an update.
We're testing the Touch Pro and Touch Diamond right now. It's still too early to give a good ETA on beta drivers, but I'll be sure to post here when there is any information. Feel free to PM me anytime Avi for an update.

Any updates? I'm seriously considering buying a US 3G frequency Touch Diamond in the near future and ditching my tilt, but my Redfly support is crusical to that happening...
We are actively still in development and hoping for a Q4 2008 release right now, but it's still too early to tell. Some phones are easier than others and the HTC VGA phones are certainly amongst the hardest.
G900 Support?

One other question - re: the G900. I have gotten it to work displaying at 320x240 (or so) on the Redfly. Do you know any tricks or have any builds that would help it display at higher resolution with the G900 or G910?



I saw the Redfly booth at InterOP in NYC 2-3 weeks ago and specifically asked if you guys supported the new Touch Diamond from Sprint. After being told yes, I ordered the Redfly a few days later from WMExperts. Now of course I have a Redlfy that is not compatible with the Diamond as of right now.

I don't want to have to return this device as I am VERY excited about the possibilities it can do (remote desktop, web browsing, etc). But I don't want to be stuck with a device I can't use either. If I return it now, I am also afraid I would lose the chance to buy it for the $200 special.

I have seen some reviewers online saying they were able to get their Diamond's working, albeit the TouchFlo 3D was buggy and very slow (especially over Bluetooth).

I would like to know:
1.) Is there any way for me to get a beta driver now so I could start testing.
2.) Is a driver going to be released within the next 30 days before my return period is over?
3.) Will this slowness problem be fixed (either cause of VGA, TouchFlo 3D, or that the driver wasn't specifically for the Diamond)?

I"m interested in purchasing for Sprint HTC Diamond too. Seems like a great combo. I'd like to take advanatage of the intro price but would hate to find out next month I need a new redfly. Can you provide updated information?
Can somone please PM CKJ to come back on this thread to reply. I need at least 15 posts before I can PM anyone.
Sorry EvanWasHere, I somehow missed your first post.

First off, I’m sorry that there was a miscommunication at InterOp. The Touch is supported now but not the Diamond yet. Since there was a mix-up on our end obviously with our booth rep being confused, we’ll extend your refund period or do something else to give you a chance to figure out if the unit meets your needs.

To answer your questions…

1) There currently is not a beta Diamond driver. When a beta driver for the Diamond is available, it will be posted on our website for any/all to download.

2) We hope to have an alpha driver soon, but I wouldn’t count on a beta within 30 days (although it could happen). Soon, we’ll be launching a customer-focused alpha testing program for those customers willing and able to help test alpha drivers. I can make sure you get into the program.

3) The slowness problem is related to the TouchFlo 3D. We’re working on options to address that.

Will you email me directly at colin.kelly [at] celiocorp [dot][com] or call me at 801-478-4789 and I’ll make some notes in our system to extend your return window etc. or anything else you want to do.
Evan, what problems are you having with the Diamond? The only thing you've mentioned is something about slowness. Could you be more specific?
Evan, what problems are you having with the Diamond? The only thing you've mentioned is something about slowness. Could you be more specific?

No. Other people who are using another driver are having slowness. As CKJ says, Redfly doesn't officially support the Diamond yet but will hopefully release the driver soon.
"Slowness" is rather vague.

Have you tried hard resetting and trying it from a clean slate (IE: without other software installed)?

I'm a bit confused here. There are no drivers for the Diamond and Celio's website states and CKJ has stated here. I also said that a reviewer online found the TouchFlo3D VGA interface slow on his unsupported driver on the Diamond, not me. I never was able to get the Diamond working at all.. Even with a hard reset.

So why are you guys thinking I said it was slow or that a reset would help when there is no driver out yet for the Diamond??
Hi Ed,

I have attempted it with the Sprint Touch Diamond and have confirmed there is no way to get the Sprint Version to work with the RedFly. I have been working with tech support for several weeks and tried several drivers and nothing. Hopefully there will be something soon.
Grrr, I was hoping it was something simple, but I guess not. I wonder what Sprint messed with to break support.

Sorry if I confused anyone, or raised anyone's hopes. Still, I can say the Redfly is capable of handling at least some VGA devices, just not all of them.
For what its worth, its not just you, Ed. I wrote Celio tech support and asked specifically about pairing with the Sprint Diamond and got this reply:

Our engineering team are in the process of developing a driver for the Diamond phone. We have had some customers install the WM6.0 PPC drivers on their Diamond phones. From what I have seen, as long as the Touchflo is not installed or uninstalled prior to installing the drivers, the REDFLY works pretty good."

Based on that, I have one ordered that should be arriving on Friday and I think that may have been a major error on my part....:cry:

As was said above, evidently work is in process so hopefully won't be too long but you know how juvenile we can be if we can't play with our new toys immediately....:D
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I also have a Sprint Diamond and have tried multiple drivers and have not been able to get it to connect. I think that the drivers for some reason work on the GSM Diamond and not the Sprint version.
Touch pro working 98%

Redfly works with Touch Pro (with touchflo deactivated) using a tytn II driver. Certain botton not working though (e.g. mail botton no response).

Bluetooth works smoothly. Very happy with Redfly. :D

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