How many actually use a case for their Titans?

I think I'll just stick with a naked Titan but I'm going to put something on the screen for protection. Maybe a zagg since I've used them before and are very reliable. I feel a case will just add bulk and make my Titan unsexy!!
I have the CaseMate Tough Case and I have absolutely no problems depressing any buttons. I think that as long as the soft part of the case is fitted properly onto the phone, everything will work fine.
I have the CaseMate Tough Case and I have absolutely no problems depressing any buttons. I think that as long as the soft part of the case is fitted properly onto the phone, everything will work fine.

Thanks. So you'd say its easier to depress the buttons with the case on?? I find that with the naked Titan, that power button is just way too flush with the casing.
Not only is it too flush, but because it sits on the front part of the curve, its tougher to reach/press with the hand that's holding the phone. The big negative for me re: size is the constant repositioning of my hand when holding the phone.

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
I love the feel of a naked Titan (no-homo) and I'm thinking of just getting the screen protector. It looks really cool and I really do not want to add any more bulk.

So how many plan on buying a case for theirs. And if you already have one, can you guys please post a photo? Thanks.
It's not cool to use homo in a context like that... it makes it seem like there is something wrong with gay people. I realize you may have been just joking, but it still isn't cool.
Cases are a necessarily evil. I can only imagine how easily the aluminum back will dent if dropped. Not only that without any shock resistance the front display might also be at risk of shattering easily. It feels nice without a case but I'm going to err on the side of caution and get a case ASAP. Hopefully SEIDIO will make a case soon but I also like Case Mate and Otter Box Commuter series cases.

Doesn't look like SEIDIO will be making a case for the Titan. I sent them an email asking if they were going to make one and here is their response:

"Hi William,

Thank you for contacting We appreciate your interest in our products. Unfortunately, we do not have plans to make any cases or other accessories for the HTC Titan. Your request has been forwarded to product development. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 832-204-1118.

Thank you,

Seidio Customer Service"

I have the CaseMate Tough Case and I have absolutely no problems depressing any buttons. I think that as long as the soft part of the case is fitted properly onto the phone, everything will work fine.

I don't have any problem depressing the power button either.
It's not cool to use homo in a context like that... it makes it seem like there is something wrong with gay people. I realize you may have been just joking, but it still isn't cool.

My bad... apologies to anyone whom I may have offended.
I was using a cheap gel case that I bought off Amazon but it was muffling my voice during calls so I ditched it and am now using nothing.

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
I would love to see some photos of the case mate on. The sites photos look nice but would love some photos from actual users.

Sent from my kick-*** Titan using Board Express
I tend to avoid cases and with the size of the Titan and its beautiful screen I don't want to mess that up so no case for me.

This also would have made for a nice poll <hint>
I second the comment above.... I would love to see more photos of the Tutan with their cases! Please!!!

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