How many people have you convinced to get a Windows phone 8 device?

What's to push? What does it do so much better than any other phone that makes it worth taking a risk that you have to live with for 2 years. If WP8 became totally symbiotic with Win 8 and everything on Windows looked the same on WP8, like it did with WP6, then it's worth a shot. Without that, why bother?
I recommended the Commodore Amiga to lots of people. Unfortunately, the arrogance of the design engineers and or mgmt had them concentrate on Desktop Video only and ignored good worksheet and spreadsheet programs. People would have tried it and loved it if they had their base business programs but without them, anyone not needing to create Desktop Video ignored it. It was one of the best computers at the time. It was incredible for games but it needed both people who wanted to have fun and people who needed production for business. Windows is still king because so many business programs run on it and they do not run on Apples. IMac Windows simulation doesn't always work.
Three colleagues, my brother and a friend. Lumia 800/920(when it arrives)

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express
I always thought adults were more promoting type. But It's always the youngsters :). well makes sense since adults have to work and being bored a lot and go home with their GF and do the (whistles) ;).

1- youngsters 0-adults

I just turned 16 last month

Nope...take my case. I TRIED really hard..(and believe me I did) to tell my dad what an awesome thing WP is...but alas...he chose Android...
was showing him the Radar but he said its a v small screen.. I was like fine...whatever u like...

And Happy Birthday and best wishes for the 16th year... :)

Sent from my XT910 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
We're gonna ban corporate owned Android devices at work and the only choice will be iOS or WP8 so I'll force convert some people... muhahahahahaha. Plus with our Verizon corp contract we only do 1 year contracts on all devices except iPhone... Apple forces Verizon to do 2 year no matter what. 1 year versus 2 years.. its an easy pick.
I showed off my phone to three separate people who joined the WP7 community. I didn't convince them to buy, I showed them my phone, let them use it, explained what I liked about it, etc. They are all happy WP owners now.
Nope...take my case. I TRIED really hard..(and believe me I did) to tell my dad what an awesome thing WP is...but alas...he chose Android...
was showing him the Radar but he said its a v small screen.. I was like fine...whatever u like...

And Happy Birthday and best wishes for the 16th year... :)

Sent from my XT910 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
Thanks. But how come mine convincing went soo smooth. Got 221 people!. Weird
I didn't convice anybody and don't intend to. Why would I? I don't really give a damn what OS someone uses. I need a phone that fits my "needs". Everybody else can stick to whatever they like. Unless I get paid for promotion, I'm not gonna do the OEMs job!
None yet, but I've got a BB user at work excited about getting a 920. BB users should be the easiest to convince. RIM is circling the drain, and a lot of long-time BB fans are starting to admit it.

Yeah, I recommended the 800 to my friend when he was getting a new phone. He didn't believe me and went for a BB (although mostly because it was free with contract) and now he's somewhat regretting it. His dad got a 900 and he's pretty much convinced about getting a Lumia next.

Besides that I recommended the 920 to a few other friends but that's about it. Would certainly help if it was out though...
I recommend the OS depending of the people's need. Nobody I know even uses Microsoft products.
I swear so many pepper have never asked me whet phone to a colleague also asked me..

Her: "Lumia or Samsu...."
Her: "Lumia it it..."

Sent from my RaZr.
When people ask my advice, I give them the strengths of Apple, Google, and MS, indicating what type of user benefits from the strengths. I then mention weaknesses of all, and say how the weaknesses may not matter to certain user types.

Then I say that I chose Windows Phone, but they know their own usage and choose the one that best fits them. But I do love my Windows Phone and I'm very happy with my choice.

Sometimes just mentioning WP with the other two piques their interests enough.
I recommend the OS depending of the people's need. Nobody I know even uses Microsoft products.

As a software developer and an avid gamer (I was into MMOs before they were cool), this is deplorable lol. EVERYONE I know uses a windows machine.

But, those same people also use Linux machines, Android phones, and a number of other platforms as well.

The only person I know who was a regular Apple device user was my gf. She had a Macbook pro when we met. Then, over time, as she kept asking to use my PC, I converted her because she simply saw how much more useful a Win7 PC could be.

No devices are a be all and end all to functionality and they certainly all have their own problems.
I'm getting one, a girl i know liked the 800 so i told her to get the 920,

My boss asked me to choose a phone for the business, i am making a cost analyses of the ip5 and 920 with pros and cons of both devices, but he told me yesterday that he wants a big screen not 4inch this would mean that if he agrees and signs we will get the 920 and 80 devices will be ordered!

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My sister. But other than that, I don't really try to sell WP to my friends. It makes me feel desperate (and WP users don't need to appear any more desperate than we already do).
only 3 for me, but how in the world did u manage to get that many, seminar or something? lol

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