How much will a Lumia in 95% condition go for in the open market?

For the best estimate, I would go over to eBay and check the listings for used Lumia 900's..
For the best estimate, I would go over to eBay and check the listings for used Lumia 900's..

This is probably your best bet. I also checked my local craigslist and between ebay and that I am seeing about $250-$400 with most up for sale around $300.
The market has been dropping quickly for Lumia 900. eBay sales are below $300.

Craigslist between $200-250. Right now I can get sealed brand new in box for $250 on my local craiglist. People who have it up for over $300. Those ads are just lingering.
I've listed my nearly new black 900 on eBay twice. Once for $349 and once for $249. Free shipping both times. I didn't even get a nibble either time. I'm going to list it again for $209 + shipping cost. whatever i clear on it is all profit. I bought it from Att for 99 and got the 99 credit.

Sent from my PI86100 using Board Express
I've listed my nearly new black 900 on eBay twice. Once for $349 and once for $249. Free shipping both times. I didn't even get a nibble either time. I'm going to list it again for $209 + shipping cost. whatever i clear on it is all profit. I bought it from Att for 99 and got the 99 credit.

Sent from my PI86100 using Board Express

It's not a profit in the sense that you are locked into a contract. Your real subsidy was around $300 from AT&T. So if you get $200 for it now. That won't even pay your etf should you choose to break your contract (not that you intend to do that).

Just post it for $220 on local craiglist. Much faster way to sell.
It's absolutely a profit considering that I've been "locked into" a contract with at&t since 1995. My monthly bill is for services, the Nokia was basically free.

Sent from my PI86100 using Board Express
I put a black, new in the box lumia 900 on ebay, starting bid at $300, and didn't get one bid. Then I put it up for $250, didn't get one bid. I ended up keeping it. This was before the wp8 non-upgrade news too.

I would put it on ebay, starting bid at $180, and see what happens.
got my cyan for $150 a few weeks ago. there is no aftermarket for this least not at the imaginary prices I see some of you listing for. You don't just subtract subsidy and think thats what it goes for. a 900 should bring 200 tops if you are lucky.
Eh, just keep it. Its losing value so fast its almost not worth it to sell. I've been looking at the Titan, Titan 2, and Focus 2, and for the same money or less, the Lumia is still the better phone, despite any problems. If I could get the Titan 2 in a straight swap, I'd probably do it, but to lose money on the Lumia to buy any other phone just doesn't seem worth it. I'll hold out until the WP8 devices become available.
you might actually get more for it once the 7.8 update comes out since cosmetically it will look like a WP8 device.
Sold it on eBay for 209.99 + 9.99 shipping.

Sent from my PI86100 using Board Express
Eh, just keep it. Its losing value so fast its almost not worth it to sell. I've been looking at the Titan, Titan 2, and Focus 2, and for the same money or less, the Lumia is still the better phone, despite any problems. If I could get the Titan 2 in a straight swap, I'd probably do it, but to lose money on the Lumia to buy any other phone just doesn't seem worth it. I'll hold out until the WP8 devices become available.

I disagree that the Lumia is a better phone that the Titan 2. I've had both and IMO the HTC is much better that the Nokia. Of course you know what they say about opinions, right?
Probably not going to get too much, i'd say $200 or less around there. There will be suckers that will overpay, but if they wait, the prices will go down.

There is a flood of Lumia phones on craigslist due to the Microsoft Smoked promotion where they were giving away free phones for losing the contest. At first, it was Titan and Focus S for ATT that were being given away, as the inventory for those went quickly, they started giving out Titan 2s and some stores started giving away 900s. In my area, i saw a ton of postings for brand new 900s for $300 and started to trickle down to the $270 range.

So if that is the going rate for brand new, you shouldnt be getting more than $200 for a used one, if you do, you will be lucky.

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