How often do you change the theme on your device? (color)

Everytime I have a new idea in mind. I have a great Halloween theme going on right now, then I'll have a Sonic Generations one then a Christmas one :)
i haven’t changed my RED theme sints i got my phone..

lol go , go red power ranger!! ITS MORPHING TIME!!!
Thx, 1.3 & 1.4 won't work on my Focus for some reason. I miss Accent Changer :(

It may be that you need to interop unlock your phone since mango. (Normal mango unlock bans all registery editors) And I think Samsung has some extra registery blocks cause many editors don't work for them.
I've got a good answer for you.... and this is coming from a male, by the way!.... I change my color scheme on my HTC Arrive to match whatever I am wearing. For work, I am always in button down dress shirts. Usually brown/black/dark pants, or khakis, and a different color shirt. I've used blue, brown, mango, red, and even pink, (i'm wearing a pink button down Polo shirt as I write this), so thus, pink is on my phone. Whack, but really cool to be able to do this with my phone.
It may be that you need to interop unlock your phone since mango. (Normal mango unlock bans all registery editors) And I think Samsung has some extra registery blocks cause many editors don't work for them.

Yes, it's interop unlocked. I noticed other Focus owners have had issue w/that app, also. Oh well, another sol'n will probably come up at some point.

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I have been sticking with light and mango since mangoization came! I changed a couple of time for a fe minutes seem to like mango best for now. Had teal for a while seemed too something with the light.
you know, as dumb as it sounds, when I read a review of the Arrive on CNET, they showed a pic with an ugly brown or orange color, and I didn't like it.

Then when all the mango updates came out, i saw them in red and it looked sweet.

So I bought an Arrive off eBay and it was blue as a default and I liked it, and then the Mango update turned it red and i loved it, so I've left it red ever since. It certainly catches peoples eyes
I change it everyday. They need more colors... They should update to some kind of color wheel or slider so we can use our own custom color or hex codes. (People still use those right?)

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
Got advanced config working. Rocking the gray theme :)

Anyone knows some carbon-fiber-metallic (dark-gray-brown-ish) color that's cool. Not so light that consumes a lot of battery power but not so dark that can't differentiate words in black...?
...and they could use a automated "use random color daily" scheme

I change it everyday. They need more colors... They should update to some kind of color wheel or slider so we can use our own custom color or hex codes. (People still use those right?)

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express

I think they could use an option to change your color randomly each day, along with needing more colors and custom colors. Similar to what Bing does with their picture, make it random.
I had teal for about a year (since I first got the Focus). The other day I felt like changing it and discovered there was a mango theme, so, being that I'm still in the mango honeymoon period, I switched to mango ;-)

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