How to capture RAW (DNG) images on W10?

Re: How to capture RAW (DNG) images on W10

What and where is the confirmation?
Re: How to capture RAW (DNG) images on W10

My advice, which may not be practical for you, is keep your 1020 on WP 8.1 if its usage as a camera is important to you. My 1020 is now purely a camera because it still takes amazing pictures and I wont be updating it anymore. As I said, this may not work for you but it's clear that Microsoft has no plans to support the camera in the 1020 fully.
Re: How to capture RAW (DNG) images on W10

I do not want to stay on the dead platform. At least even more dead than it is now. I was already left with a dead platform when they decided not to update WP7 to WP8, but I understood reasons. Now they just removed the app I needed without replacing it with anything. They removed most advertised features of L1020. So it's either live with dead phone with no apps (like WP7 now) or update to W10 and lose camera capabilities.
@Nikolay, I feel your pain. I just last night put my L1020 back to W8.1 so that I could get all of the Lumia photography apps.

I'm a little disappointed, because I did like W10 on the 1020 and it worked very good on build 166 (except for the few Store issues remaining).

My opinion, L1020 on W8.1 with all the Lumia apps is still better than going android. And anyway, we are all now just waiting until we can upgrade to the 950/950XL : )
Re: How to capture RAW (DNG) images on W10

I downloaded ProShot. It's $2.99. Windows 10166 won't let you make it your default, but the app does allow you to set the resolution up to 38mb. I just pinned the tile (transparent available) to the start screen. No dual, and no raw but it's something for now. Hoping MS will fix this and allow L1020 users the full use of their cameras. It's why most of us bought them.
Yesterday a new version of Windows Camera has been released. I hoped to get the DNG feature back ( with my Lumia 1020 ). But there is no new option. Does this count for all Lumia phones ?
Re: How to capture RAW (DNG) images on W10

I downloaded ProShot. It's $2.99. Windows 10166 won't let you make it your default, but the app does allow you to set the resolution up to 38mb. I just pinned the tile (transparent available) to the start screen. No dual, and no raw but it's something for now. Hoping MS will fix this and allow L1020 users the full use of their cameras. It's why most of us bought them.

ProShot is a great app. I purchased it quite some time ago, while using my L920.

I still switch back and forth occasionally to try different shots.

But until W10 returns all the camera functionality and apps that take advantage of the L1020, I see no reason to upgrade it.

I'm on W10M bld 10512 on my L930 main phone.

Please keep updating this post with any new info.

Issues with the raw capture capabilities were driving me nuts over the past few days, so I ran a couple of tests. After all, the reason why I got 1020 in the first place was the ability to shoot raw 38 MP images.

I managed to get my RAW shooting capabilities back by doing a hard reset after the W10 upgrade. The tricks seems to be not to restore your backup but to start with a clean slate. After the reset (which does take a while) I got the Lumia Camera app back. The windows camera app, as stated above, even in the most recent version does not work as it is supposed to on Lumia 1020: no resolution options, no raw capture...

There are a few caveats to the process though:

  • I flashed the Euro GB O2 SL 64GB Yellow (059T8G0) firmware to my device, ran a couple of OTA updates, upgraded to the latest W10 build.
  • I did not get the Denim update, so my device is still running Lumia Cyan
  • The Lumia camera app I got is not the most recent version (v., but it does offer RAW capture)
  • I lost a bunch of Lumia apps in the process, most notably Lumia Refocus
  • I was enrolled in the Dev Preview

So in the end I am not sure which of the factors contributed to the end result.

I will try flashing 8.1 image, updating all the way up to Denim and running through the upgrade experience once again.
Hi Admiral,

please keep us updated. It will be a great progress getting DNG on Lumia 1020 work under WP10.

BR, Stefan


Thanks guys for the feedback.

Seems to me though, that currently and until W10M and all updated apps are officially released, W8.1 is the best option for L1020.

I'm happily still using all its camera features with the Lumia apps initially released.

Let's hope that Microsoft gives some love to our L1020's soon.
Allright, I went through the entire process again yesterday. A couple of notes, my 1020 came with the UK O2 firmware installed and I couldn't get the Denim update for some reason (maybe because I live in Germany, the Denim update *should* be available to UK models according to the MS website). Anyhow, I run the Euro DE O2 firmware without any issues on the day to day basis, which does allow me to get all the way up to Denim on 8.1.

So here is what I did yesterday:

  • I flashed the Euro DE O2 Postpaid 64GB YLW (059T677) FW and did not restore my backup
  • Got a couple of 8.1. updates plus Lumia Denim
  • Installed the Windows Insider app and initialized the upgrade
As usual, some Lumia apps were still there after the upgrade process was complete, the Lumia camera app was gone. Also, the Denim firmware update got screwed during the update process, so there was that as well (it does so every time I update to W10).

Next, I ran a hard reset:

  • The entire process took roughly about 20 minutes
  • Firmware was downgraded to Lumia Cyan
  • Lumia Camera was back (Initially it did not open, getting all available updates from the Store fixed that. In my particular case, some dependencies were missing, most notably Visual C++ Redist.)
  • Following Lumia / Nokia Apps were brought back after the reset (Lumia Beamer, Lumia Cinemagraph, Lumia Creative Studio, Lumia Help, Nokia Glam Me (Lumia Selfie update errors out, I am pretty sure I was able to update on the UK firmware) plus the usual system apps like Glance and Nokia Account). Everything else is gone (the only thing I personally miss is Lumia Refocus).
So, depending on your firmware, your mileage may vary, but generally, hard resetting your phone after the initial W10 upgrade should bring back the Lumia Camera app. I did not test whenever you can restore your data - it may or may not work. Also, your Denim update might be gone after the update, but I am not sure that it brought any real benefits to the 1020 camera in the first place...

I would love to hear if this approach helps...
If anybody has already installed:
Does the new WP 10156 support Lumia 1020 concerning RAW ( DNG ) ?
P.S. I can update not before end of the week.
If anybody has already installed:
Does the new WP 10156 support Lumia 1020 concerning RAW ( DNG ) ?
P.S. I can update not before end of the week.

Short answer, NO.

From Gabe Aul of Microsoft:

Announcing Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 10536 | Blogging Windows

"We also wanted to talk a little bit about Lumia 1020 camera features on Windows 10. Owners of the Lumia 1020 love using their phone’s amazing camera to capture high-fidelity photos and videos. If you recently upgraded your Lumia 1020 to a Windows 10 Insider Preview build, you might have been disappointed that your camera wasn’t working like you expect. Many of the Lumia 1020’s camera features, like 41MP capture and DNG files, only work with the Lumia Camera app. While the app works with Windows 10 Mobile, it won’t be available for download from the Store until later this fall.

To get all your Lumia 1020 camera features back, you need the Lumia Camera app installed on your phone. The easy solution is to wait until the app is available in the Store. If you don’t want to wait, you need to use the Windows Phone Recovery Tool to return to Windows Phone 8.1 in order to get the app back.

Note: These issues only affect the Lumia 1020. If you have a different Lumia phone, the default Windows Camera app already supports all Lumia features except Living Images, which are coming soon to the Lumia phones that have them today!

Thanks for putting up with this temporary loss of functionality on Lumia 1020 devices.

Remember to keep checking the Store and grab the latest app updates from there too and be sure to keep sending in your feedback via the Windows Feedback app!


Updated September 16, 2015 2:46 pm"
Hi mprebich,

thanks for your answer. It is reassuing that Gabe Aul mentioned the 1020. Thanks Microsoft for showing liability ( in contrast to the Android World ).
I hope to get the Lumia Camera soon.

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