How to change news sources on Cortana??

Joseph Anthony2

New member
Sep 10, 2014
I love how Cortana gives me news updates--but the truth is I'm sick of the main source being FOX NEWS. On the news app, you can edit the sources of your news, is there anyway to do this on Cortana? I haven't found it. It seems on the live title Cortana is always showing me FOXNEWS updates--I think she might be trolling. :angry:
If anyone from Microsoft sees this thread--I think this would be a great feature added to Cortana. I don't know why but every single news update I see on the live tile from Cortana is from Fox News and at this point Im about to make Cortana the smallest icon possible. I simply dont want to see that garbage news site bashing Obama every 25 minutes.
If anyone from Microsoft sees this thread--I think this would be a great feature added to Cortana. I don't know why but every single news update I see on the live tile from Cortana is from Fox News and at this point Im about to make Cortana the smallest icon possible. I simply dont want to see that garbage news site bashing Obama every 25 minutes.

Your best bet is to create feedback on Uservoice: Cortana Feedback - the official feedback site for MS.

As for Fox News, I got to admit I occasionally watch it for it's comedic value...

So is this still not possible? I'm at the point where I'm willing to give up Cortana if she shows me another Fox "News" headline.
Yeah.. I need it to alter up the newsfeeds it's providing me.. holy cow, can I not get it to show me just AP, Washington Post & NYT? I'm getting like AOL, FoxNews and occasionally oddball blogs. What the hell. There needs to be a way to just pick sources, and if it'd support adding in subscribed sources that would be good too.
Why dont you all just turn the headlines off in cortana and go to the news source you want to see. problem solved. Also Obama should be bashed at the minimum every 20 minutes.
My problem is that I get HuffPo, NYT, CNN, and other liberal trash, and rarely ever get any Fox News articles, and Fox is my preferred source.

Yeah, stating the sources of news you would/would not like to see would be a great improvement, and should be part of her getting to know you. Like if you could long press on a news article and select, "Do not show news from this source" or "Always show news from this source" so that she can learn your preferences.
Re: How to change news sources on Cortana?? Do you Dare???

The issue is much deeper than simply news choices. By using Microsoft's Cortana-Fox, we are reading and paying for terrorist propaganda - some more blatant than others. Some may feel justified in their racist beliefs and murderous actions when supported by so-called Fox "news professionals".
The linkage between terrorist cops and church massacres together with armchair instigators like Fox (aka Faux News) is becoming clear. Nokia, Samsung and other non-Apple devices use Microsoft's Cortana-Fox. Apple and Blackberry do not.
If you want to be an active part of moving USA forward as one nation under an all-loving God, help end Cortana-Fox propaganda, speak up and speak loudly to Microsoft, Samsung, T-Mobile, Verizon, ATT, etc and let them know their use of such propaganda supports terrorism, racism and divides our nation. And that you will put your money elsewhere. Then buy Apple or Blackberry. If enough people do this (I am) the nonsense here and on other products will stop. Money is their bottom line…even before race hatred.
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Likewise, but in reverse - I would like to remove "news" sources like Huffington Post. I have no idea how that ended up qualifying as a "news source", but please let me choose to select ACTUAL news separate from yellow journalism.
What a coincidence - I'm ready to give up Cortana if she shows me one more piece of liberal garbage!
Unfortunately, Huffington Post is not really "news", dude. You'd be better off purchasing The National Enquirer at the checkout stand.
Funny, I watch MSNBC and Huffington Post for comedic value. I think most people do. You're in the dying minority.

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