It is true that 'other' folder is contained of files which have not native support, that is OS can not recognize them and therefor just puts them into one single folder. It is also known that there's bug with 'other' folder which insanely increases it's size, why? Well, coudl be this: Over the time your app data (such as saved game data, weather data blabla) and your search history and cookies. Those do not have that great size, so this is not really a valid explanation.
There was a guy on the forum who had approx. 8gb of 'other' taking storage on his 1020 i think.
Considering the fact that the content of the 'other' is deleted when you do a hard reset, i think you should go ahead and delete it yourself. My logics tells me that all system files should be under the, well, 'system' category. So, go ahead, i don't think it's too much of a risk, if any at all.