How to install here maps on lumia 720 via PC??


New member
Aug 31, 2013
I have Lumia 720 and i want to install Here maps so that i can use them offline as well, but I am unable to do so because device says get a wifi connection to install repective file (its only 84 mb map of my city). I have 3G but no wifi.

I searched and found that there was a software named nokia map loader but its not working with my lumia so is there a way by which I can install maps on my phone via PC .

My need is to get maps on my phone so that i can use them offline , so is there any other app that i can use.
well i would say that you should look for wifi near your area. ask your friends if any of them have a wifi.
even after that if you don't find a wifi, then look for a phone with wifi hotspot ability. insert a sim with 3g data in it turn on wifi hotspot. check for wifi on your lumia and simply connect it then try to use.
if it works let me know.
You can't download maps, apps, make updates using cable. Only OTA (Over The Air) i.e. wifi or cellular
OS made step back in this regards. With WP7 you could do all these things by USB+Zune, now you cannot.

p.s. I don't know about sideloading (downloading the apps on SD card and then installing them). I doubt it'll work for maps too

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