How to make VPN work in W10M


New member
Jan 10, 2014


As you know W10M built-in VPN sorta lacked certain options when compared to its desktop counterpart. These options such as DataEncryption, IpPrioritizeRemote etc., are crucial, atleast for some VPN providers to get their VPN to work. However, there is no way to configure these options in W10M due to the lack of corresponding GUI. But, you can set these options manually using the method below which is completely amateurish btw.

If you're already aware of this and had a better way to connect to a VPN, then please post in the comment section as it would be helpful to the Windows community.

I'm posting this guide in view of the new Windows Mobile users.

I'm using L2TP/IPsec with PSK protocol in this guide.

Creating the rasphone.pbk file in PC

1) Configure your L2TP/IPsec VPN connection as suggested by your VPN provider using Windows 10 PC built-in VPN.

2) When your PC is connected to VPN, navigate to the directory as shown below and copy the rasphone.pbk to a secure location or any folder. We will be importing this file directly into our mobile phone in the later steps.


XXXX - Username​

Creating a symbolic link in W10M

Phones with no SD card (Interop required)

1) Boot your phone to MASS STORAGE MODE using WPINTERNALS tool. I'm assuming that your phone is already interop unlocked with WPI tool which is a must if you haven't. Connect it to your PC.

2) After that, manually create the directory as shown below in your PC.





3) Now open CMD as admin and execute the below command.


mklink /d "X:\Data\Users\Public\VPN Profile" "C:\Data\USERS\DefApps\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\Network\Connections"


mklink /d "X:\Data\Users\Public\VPN Profile" "C:\Data\ProgramData\MICROSOFT\Network\Connections"

X is the drive letter assigned to your Phone in MASS STORAGE MODE.​

4) The above command will create a symlink VPN Profile in your phone's default directory. Now, exit the MASS STORAGE MODE by pressing Vol down and Power button for 10 seconds.

Phones with SD card (No Interop required)

1) Format your SD card as NTFS and connect it to your PC using a Card Reader.

2) Manually create the below folder path in your SD card.

X:\Data\Users\Public\VPN Profile


X:VPN Profile

You can also use the later path or create your own path. You just have to change the directory in the mklink command.​

3) Now execute the below command


mklink /d "X:\Data\Users\Public\VPN Profile" "C:\Data\USERS\DefApps\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\Network\Connections"


mklink /d "X:\Data\Users\Public\VPN Profile" "C:\Data\ProgramData\MICROSOFT\Network\Connections"

X is the drive letter assigned to your SD card.​

4) After that insert the SD card into your phone.

Replacing the Rasphone.pbk

Remember that you have to initiate a VPN connection in your phone prior to this step becoz only then a corresponding Rasphone.pbk file will be created.

1) Open File explorer app in your Phone and navigate to the this path "VPN Profile\Pbk"

2) Delete the Rasphone.pbk created on your phone and replace it with the Rapshone.pbk file on your PC.

That's it.

Happy Vpning :)

Note: You can manually set the options in the rasphone file using Notepad. You just have to replace file after making changes.

Post below if you are successful in getting VPN to work.
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If you're experiencing VPN connection drops after an idle time of 2-3 min, then set the below registry key as shown below


Default value will be 4 in W10M. So change it to 2.

Enjoy vpning without any interruption even if you lock the phone.
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It doesnt seem to work for me, i followed the non-interop version (sd card).

link is there, i use the file browser on my phone to go to the folder on my sd card. The folder Pbk is there but there are no files.
It doesnt matter if i first connect with vpn or do it after. Also reboot doenst help.

Also copy a rasphone.pbk file into my sdcard linked folder doenst work, the file is gone after i look again.

I have a lumia 950, build 10.0.14393.448

Any ideas?
Can I ask?, so no vpn app work with w10m .448. ?

There are various VPN apps which usually serve as a GUI to obtain the required settings so you can configure the VPN in your phone's settings. And a lot of VPN services do work in W10M. This thread is about some specific configuration steps that might be required in some cases. I haven't needed this up to now, but I guess some do.
VPN works but it's having a dns leak.

So this thread is about adjusting your vpn settings in the rasphone file.

not help for me.... still disconnect after few minutes when screen on W10M go off


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