How to remove the contents of the 'other' folder in windows phone 8.1?


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Mar 25, 2015
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I am having some storage problems with windows phone, as it inflates this folder called 'other'. Now it is 3.3 GB of unused and unrecognized file types. I tried connecting to a PC and check, but I couldn't find it. Can any one help me delete it? I did try erasing all my temporary folder on both SD and phone. Still other shows 3.3 GB. Please help.

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Jan 12, 2013
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This has already been discussed extensively in the forums - I recommend searching for them.

In the meantime and in summary, the solutions are:
1. clear temporary files through Storage Sense (which you already did) and then wait;
2. connect your phone to your PC and let the Windows Phone for desktop app run and connect to your phone;
3. if you've transferred new photos to your phone by directly saving them onto your SD Card, you would need to rename every folder which contains those photos and then let the Photo Hub reload them.


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Mar 25, 2015
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I know it's been discussed extensively. But there seems no solution to this. This is so simple and annoying IMO :/ Such a blunder from Microsoft part. Is there anyother way to clean this? The desktop app shows nothing! Not even temp folders, which are already cleared.


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Feb 11, 2015
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I know it's been discussed extensively. But there seems no solution to this. This is so simple and annoying IMO :/ Such a blunder from Microsoft part. Is there anyother way to clean this? The desktop app shows nothing! Not even temp folders, which are already cleared.

I believe those 3.3 also refer to the SD card. Try removing the card and check again for that space. It could be some apps or games that tou installed ti the card and then didnt uninstall properly. Try to install something to the sd card and see if it pops up a message saying there was already something installed there, and if you would like to remove it...
If thats not the issue, I would backup the files in the sdcard, erase the partition on it and create a new one, then format it on the Phone (i believe a simple format isnt enough, you have to remove all partitions).


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Feb 11, 2015
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So everytime the 'other' folder inflates, I had to do this?
The "other" isnt a folder. Its a group of files, folders, etc, that for some reason arent being used by the Phone (like old games or apps that were installed to the sd Card, photos or v?deos that arent yet in the database, etc). Even a faulty sd Card can do that. Tou wont have to do that evey time, unless tou always do whatever took you to that situation. Try i do what I told you first then report back.


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Mar 25, 2015
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I actually formatted my SD card and it was initially 300 KB. After a while, it changed to 300 MB. I tried my dad's SD card after formatting and the same happened. It keeps inflating. I am pretty sure the cards are not faulty. They are new. So yeah that happened, I spent hours backing up my data and formatted the card for a bug. :/


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Feb 11, 2015
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I actually formatted my SD card and it was initially 300 KB. After a while, it changed to 300 MB. I tried my dad's SD card after formatting and the same happened. It keeps inflating. I am pretty sure the cards are not faulty. They are new. So yeah that happened, I spent hours backing up my data and formatted the card for a bug. :/

Thats why I told tou not to Format, but to delete the partitions. Use PC for that, right button on My Computer, manage, delete the sd card partition and create a FAT32 new partition, then Format it again in Phone. But for what you say, probably files windows Phone cant read. Movies, pictures, whatever, maybe corrupted. Have you tried installing an app to the sd Card?

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