How to restore a cropped photo?


New member
Dec 1, 2012
I just cropped a photo on my 920 using the built-in crop feature, but now the photo saved OVER the original. That is the most ******** thing I have ever seen. So how do I get the original back? I know it's there somewhere since when I texted the cropped photo to my friend's Galaxy s2, it showed the original as the thumbnail and when you tap on it, it shows the cropped version.
Any changes used by the built in photo Crop, Rotate, and AutoFix program will save over the original. I think thrid party apps save them in Saved Pictures...not 100% sure on that though. Do you happen to have auto upload to Skydrive turned on? If so, it may have uploaded the original to Skydrive.
Any changes used by the built in photo Crop, Rotate, and AutoFix program will save over the original. I think thrid party apps save them in Saved Pictures...not 100% sure on that though. Do you happen to have auto upload to Skydrive turned on? If so, it may have uploaded the original to Skydrive.

They'll save to camera roll, but all the ones I've seen will save with a modified file name, so they won't overwrite.
I know how to restore, you have to go to the folder where original files were when you cropped them. Go to settings and make sure hidden files and folders are visible. In the folder where your photos were you will find hidden folder with saved original also hidden photos. Good luck.

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