How to restore my settings and data after a hard reset on a lumia 650

tracey kenny

New member
Mar 31, 2017
had to hard reset my phone as it was just scrolling "loading" across the screen and nothing happening.... now I have lost all my contacts and settings etc.... how do i restore this.... I am not that technical with phones and dont know where to find my phone backups... its a nokia lumia 650... can anyone help me please ?
Hi: For windows phone I don't have so mach experience. But I'd like to know if the contacts and data are stored in SD card or not? If they are in SD card, u can use the Easeus mobisaver to recover it, this software cannot span the phone, but can recover the sd card. u can search it in google, and can find the official website.
Good luck
Well if u backed up ur data(contacts,pics) to the cloud(onedrive) then put the same email id as before n then u will be able to restore stuff..
Hope it helpz..

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