How to search the Calendar Windows 10 Mobile


New member
Jan 6, 2017

I cannot find a way to search inside the calendar entries on my Windows 10 mobile device.
In Windows 8.1 Cortana can show me a "Phone search" option but in Win 10 that is gone.

Is there any way to search inside the Calendar on Windows 10 mobile?

Thank you!
Hi, there doesn't appear to be a way to search inside the calendar.
However, have you tried searching with Cortana?
Wrong, searching with Cortana in W10 brings up your calendar events. If I say or type 'When is my next dentist appointment?' for example, up comes the details from my calendar. Simples.
Wrong, searching with Cortana in W10 brings up your calendar events. If I say or type 'When is my next dentist appointment?' for example, up comes the details from my calendar. Simples.

but still limited if I wanted to see the last time I went, or check when was the last service done on the car, list the upcoming games of my sports team I follow (I have them in the calendar)...
Wrong, searching with Cortana in W10 brings up your calendar events. If I say or type 'When is my next dentist appointment?' for example, up comes the details from my calendar. Simples.

I have tried searching for a wedding event, since Cortana is only available in English and i had the even in the Calendar in another language the search just retuned a Bing result...
In WP8.1 i can swipe until i find the Phone tab but on WP10 this option is not available... Darn it...

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