How to sync music onto Windows Phone 8?

Not all of us have the luxury of a home WiFi connection. (I know, right?!) WMP works ok but there were a few tunes I had to DL from the cloud. Streaming isn't feasible for me even if I had unlimited data, as I drive through a dead zone on my daily commute. I'm just thankful I've never broken down in it...
I use MediaMonkey for all my music and find it to work great. But if you're a long time iTunes user, why don't you just use iTunes to sync with your WP phone?
I've always have used WMP to sync music. It seems to work fine. What's the down side?

When I use WMP to sync music to my phone (I save it on an sd card) the music player is really slow at loading the music to load. I can't even use it, it's that slow. But when I use the new windows 8 app, it works al-rite. Are you putting music on your phone's memory or on an sd card?
I use MediaMonkey for all my music and find it to work great. But if you're a long time iTunes user, why don't you just use iTunes to sync with your WP phone?

:-) Good point, and has certainly crossed my mind. I probably will continue to use iTunes because I am so used to it, but as they say, just because I use it does not mean I have to like it ...
Syncing from iTunes will change the default storage option to the Phone storage - My Lumia 720 now has no space left for App updates after syncing from iTunes on a Mac using the Windows Connector App. I Checked the phone and it shows that the option to save pictures and music still is set to SD CARD but the APP seems to be putting them all on to the phone memory. The App itself has no options to let me choose the storage location.

i am trying desperately to fix this - the only other option i have is to reset the phone...
Since Windows phone app for Desktop is very "basic" (the only function it has is sync), I use that in combo with Zune (it reads all the data that Zune has). It's a bit of a pain ... but it works for me. I use Zune to setup playlist, photo, etc. Then use the Desktop app to do the syncing. I have to agree with others that I prefer Zune to organize things.


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